rcstack@rwa.urc.tue.nl (Studenten Vereniging Stack) (04/23/91)
Hi, I'm looking for a Fortran (yucc) compiler for Unix 386. f2c doesn't do the job since I need to run a large package which originates from a VMS VAX. There has been made extensive use of structs, records and other non fortran 77 extensions. I know Microsoft's Fortran but after using the DOS and OS/2 version I am not very impressed (80286 code). I know that LPI makes a Fortran for 386 Unix's and would like to know more of it. So, which Fortran compilers are available, which have the VAX fortran extensions and what do they cost. I will summarize to the net. Thanks in advance. Paul Derks -- ============================================================================= Email: Internet: rcstack@urc.tue.nl Bitnet: rcstack1@heitue5 Computer Association STACK, Computing Centre RC 1.82, Eindhoven University of Technology, POBox 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, Holland.
vlr@litwin.com (Vic Rice) (04/27/91)
In <569@rc6.urc.tue.nl> rcstack@rwa.urc.tue.nl (Studenten Vereniging Stack) writes: >Thanks in advance. We have been using the MicroWay Fortran compiler for over a year now. One of the main reasons we chose it was for its VAX compatiblity (e.g. end-of-line comments, structures, includes, etc.) It also yields fast executables giving both 387 and Weitek 3167 support. -- Dr. Victor L. Rice Litwin Process Automation