[net.ham-radio] Comment format for dockets, petitions, etc.

rjr@mgweed.UUCP (Bob Roehrig) (08/24/84)


        Comments to the FCC should be on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper
        with the left-hand and top margins being at least 1 1/2
        inches and at least one inch  on  the  right  side  and
        bottom of the page.  Use one side of the paper only and
        double-space your comments, except for long quotations,
        which  may  be  single  spaced.   All  papers  shall be
        typewritten.  Number  your  paragraphs  and   in   your
        comments, refer to the docket paragraph number or rules
        Part number that you are commenting on.

        Be polite and don't insult the  Commission.  Don't  say
        "don't  do" something unless you have an alternative to
	offer, or can list reasons why  it  should not be done.

        Mail the original and 5 copies to:

        Federal Communications Commission
        Mr. William Tricarico, Secretary
        1919 M. Street, NW.
        Washington, D.C. 20554

        The top of the first page should be headed  as  in  the
        following example:

                                  Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

        In the Matter of                )
        Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   )
	regarding the establishment of  )
	a Class of Amateur Operator     )   PR Docket No. 83-28
	License not requiring a demon-  )
	stration of proficiency in the  )
	International Morse Code        )


		(Start your comments about 5 lines down)

	Sign and date the comments at the end of the last page:

					 Respectfully submitted

					 (Your signature)

				       Robert J. Roehrig, K9EUI
				       314  S.  Harrison Street
				       Batavia, Illinois  60510