[net.ham-radio] Packet Radio Networking Proposal

brian@sdccsu3.UUCP (Brian Kantor) (08/26/84)

The following paper was presented at the Los Angeles Amatuer Packet
Radio Group meeting on Saturday, Aug 25 1984.
	ihnp4 \		Brian Kantor, UC San Diego 
	decvax \
	akgua   >----  sdcsvax  ----- brian
	ucbvax/		Kantor@Nosc

"not at all a well cat..."

-------- cut here ----------

                     _A _P_r_o_p_o_s_e_d _N_e_t_w_o_r_k
                 _f_o_r _t_h_e _i_n_t_e_r_c_o_n_n_e_c_t_i_o_n _o_f
           _A_m_a_t_e_u_r _D_i_g_i_t_a_l _P_a_c_k_e_t _R_a_d_i_o _S_t_a_t_i_o_n_s

                    _B_r_i_a_n _K_a_n_t_o_r, _W_B_6_C_Y_T
            _U_n_i_v_e_r_s_i_t_y _o_f _C_a_l_i_f_o_r_n_i_a, _S_a_n _D_i_e_g_o


     The growth of digital  communications  in  the  amateur
radio  service  during  the  past few years has been nothing
short of incredible.  More than  anything  else,  the  ready
availability  of digital packet communications using sophis-
ticated packet controllers such as  the  Vancouver  [VADCG],
Tucson [TAPR], and GLB devices has introduced packet commun-
ications to many hams who would not  otherwise  have  become
involved  in  digital  communications.  Beyond  these packet
controller's  function  as  sophisticated  replacements  for
mechanical teleprinters, they provide a means for the estab-
lishment of message systems and bulletin boards  by  permit-
ting direct connection to personal computers.

     While some use of packet radio has been made on the  HF
bands  below  30  MHz  at lower data transmission rates, the
greatest activity is currently  on  VHF-FM  (particularly  2
meters).   Since  dependable VHF communication is limited to
(at most) a hundred miles or so from  one  home  station  to
another,  the  number  of  stations that can be contacted by
packet radio is somewhat limited.

_R_e_p_e_a_t_e_r_s _a_n_d _D_i_g_i_p_e_a_t_e_r_s

     Since the digital transmissions are  converted  to  and
from  audio  signals  using standard modem technology, it is
possible to send packet transmissions through ordinary voice
repeaters. There are both technical and social problems with
this practice, however, which make it unwise to do so.

     Technically, many voice repeaters have  audio  response
characteristics that, while not really noticeable with voice
transmissions, introduce significant distortions that reduce
the  reliability  of  digital retransmission.  Additionally,
Morse  code  or  voice  identifiers,  frequency  or   signal
Much of the work in this paper is the direct  outgrowth
of  continuing  discussions with Mike Brock, WB6HHV and
others in the Southern California packet radio communi-
Author's current address:
Brian Kantor, Computer Center C-010, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
92093 [sdcsvax!brian -or- kantor@nosc]

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strength telemetry tones, and `over' beeps all may  be  con-
fused  as  packet  signals  by the less sophisticated packet

     Socially, the harsh sounding modem tones  generated  by
the  packet  equipment are annoying in the extreme for voice
users, leading to jamming, interference, and general  unhap-
piness.  Also, many packet controllers recognize only packet
modem tones, so they do not acknowledge that a frequency  is
busy  when  it is occupied with voice transmissions, and may
transmit on top of an existing voice conversation.

     Digital repeaters,  known  as  _d_i_g_i_p_e_a_t_e_r_s,  provide  a
means  for  automatically retransmitting packet signals, but
because packet acknowledgments must be returned from the far
end of the connection over the possibly multi-hop link path,
the effective rate of  transmission  is  greatly  decreased.
Also,  there is currently no collision checking when signals
are digipeated.   Thus,  in  case  of  a  packet  collision,
current   digipeaters   cannot   detect  the  collision  and
retransmit the packet that was destroyed by  the  collision.
The  originating  station  must  therefore await the lack of
acknowledgement from the  far  end  of  the  connection  and
resend the packet.  Repetition of sent packets from the ori-
ginating station may very well occupy  large  amounts  of  a
network's available transmission capacity.

_T_h_e _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _S_o_l_u_t_i_o_n

     We feel that the solution to these problems lies  in  a
dedicated  network  for packet communications, much like the
packet switching networks that regularly  move  millions  of
characters  of  data across the country and around the world
every day.

     The network is simple.  Each community  (or  geographic
area)  has  at  least one Packet Network Controller [PNC] to
serve as a network _g_a_t_e_w_a_y which would be the access to  the
packet network for that area.  These stations would function
automatically, without a human operator, and would serve  to
provide  connections  for local and network users.  Each PNC
would have at least one neighbor PNC, and could make logical
connections to and through the adjoining PNCs.

_T_h_e _S_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e _o_f _t_h_e _N_e_t_w_o_r_k

     AMPRNET[1] is structured as a mesh of PNCs, each having
one  or more neighbor PNCs to which it can connect via radio
links.  Each of these PNCs has connections  to  other  PNCs,
and  so  on,  until  all  PNCs  in the network are reachable
  [1] Thanks to Hank Magnuski,  KA6M  for  the  network

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through one or more hops.  Connections  between  nonadjacent
PNCs  are  made  by  having  adjacent PNCs relay the packets
between the two endpoints of the logical connection.

     Every PNC has a routing table which describes at  least
one path to every other accessable PNC. By using this table,
it is possible for any PNC to contact any other PNC,  possi-
bly  through a number of intervening relay hops. The routing
table is dynamically built and updated as the network topol-
ogy changes with nodes coming in and out of service.

_T_h_e _U_s_e_r _V_i_e_w _o_f _t_h_e _N_e_t_w_o_r_k

     A connection is established via the network in two dis-
tinct  steps.   First, a user connects to the local PNC.  We
have chosen the use of the ssid (station sub  identification
field)  value 14 (fourteen decimal) as the reserved designa-
tor for PNC stations, so a connection  initiated  from  (for
example) a TAPR TNC might appear as

                     CONNECT WB6CYT-14

which would instruct your station to connect to the PNC  run
by  WB6CYT.   A  `connected' message, followed by a `network
ready' message would appear on your screen.

     Next, you would instruct the PNC to attempt to  connect
to  the station you wanted to call. In order to do this, you
must know the identification of the PNC  serving  his  area.
So, for example, to contact Harold Price in Los Angeles, you
might instruct the PNC to connect you to his packet  station
via one of the Los Angeles PNCs:

                   CONNECT NK6K@WB6YMH
                 (the -14 is implied here)

assuming that WB6YMH was operating  that  PNC.  The  network
will  take care of establishing the connection and all rout-
ing of packets necessary. When the conversation is finished,
disconnecting from either end will cause the virtual connec-
tion over the network to be closed as well. Note  that  con-
nections  may  be  entirely  local  with  only the local PNC
involved; this provides a more reliable local-area  repeated
connection than current digipeater technology can.

     We plan to have the PNC supply other services as  well.
Among those planned for are

        o+ Who's On Listing
        o+ Network Status
        o+ Time and Date Server
        o+ Site Security Monitor

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_N_e_t_w_o_r_k _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l_s

     While there are many proposals to establish a  standard
protocol  for  linking  of  amateur  packet  stations, there
currently are no experimental results showing a clear advan-
tage for one choice over another.

     The protocol chosen must take  into  account  two  dif-
ferent  aspects of the network. First, there is the question
of transport between nodes of the network, and  second,  the
format  of  the  data carried by the network.  These are not
necessarily solved by the same answer.

     The _t_r_a_n_s_p_o_r_t protocol describes the method  chosen  to
carry  messages  between  nodes  of the network. While for a
hardwire line a simple serial ASCII  link  would  be  suffi-
cient,  for  the  more  common radio links, a reliable means
should be chosen. In our research, we found that the present
implementation  of  the _A_X._2_5 protocol (used by TAPR, VADCG,
GLB, and others) would serve well. It  has  error  detection
and correction, is efficient, and both software and hardware
for its use are readily available.  For  these  reasons,  we
have  chosen to use the AX.25 protocol for most node-to-node
radio links on the network.

     The _A_M_T_O_R communications protocol also  has  some  dis-
tinct advantages for links that are on the HF amateur bands.
In cases where the links between network nodes are  to  span
large  distances,  the  AMTOR  protocol could be used and we
think it would serve well.

     The format  of  messages  carried  by  the  network  is
independent  of  the  transport protocol used. Because it is
expected that links will fade and suffer  interference,  and
that  nodes  will fail, it is wise to use a protocol that is
robust enough to recover from  many  such  problems.   After
extensive  searches  of  the  literature and considering the
base of already installed  software  and  systems,  we  have
chosen  the _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _T_C_P/_I_P mechanism for the message proto-

     TCP/IP is designed to operate with an unreliable  tran-
sport system, and its performance improves when the underly-
ing transport  system  is  more  reliable.  It  incorporates
packet  reassembly  and  reordering mechanisms that can cope
with lost packets, packets received out of order, and dupli-
cated  packets.  Since  the network routing scheme described
below will accomodate a failed node by routing around it  as
  [2] A special note here to thank Phil Karn, KA9Q  for
his  suggestion that TCP/IP could run on top of AX.25 -
Phil, it was a brilliant idea and solves a problem we'd
been discussing for some time.

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long as a path exists between the endpoint network nodes  of
a  connection,  it was a great advantage to chose the TCP/IP
protocol which would correctly utilize such a facility.

     TCP/IP also has other advantages which we think  places
it  as  the top contender for the internal message protocol.
It has been proven by over  10  years  of  use  on  the  DOD
Arpanet/Milnet/Internet;  implementations  are available for
computer systems ranging from VAX mainframes to the IBM  PC;
it  is  completely  defined and documented; other facilities
which use the TCP/IP protocol for file transfer  and  remote
computer  use already exist; and much of the software needed
to implement TCP/IP is available at no charge.[3]

     Therefore, it is planned to implement the network  such
that all inter-PNC communication is performed using Internet
Protocol [IP] datagrams to allow for maximum flexibility  in
the routing and transport of data, regardless of the kind of
link used between nodes.  This allows direct interconnection
to  the  Internet  or any other IP compatable network should
such be desired.

     Hank Magnuski, KA6M, has obtained  a  Class-A  internet
network number assignment for amateur packet radio.[4] It is
anticipated  that each PNC will have its own unique block of
host numbers assigned. In the case of manufactured PNCs, the
PNC  host  addresses  will  be  assigned  when  the  unit is
shipped. For homebrew units, a central registry will  assign
the  number.   Since these numbers are 24 bits long, several
million numbers are available. The number merely  identifies
the  PNC  address and is much like a hardware serial number.
It does not have to be changed when a PNC is sold  or  moved
or  assigned a new callsign. (For those of you familiar with
the internet, an address resolution protocol is used to  map
the PNC internet address numbers to the PNC callsign dynami-

_R_o_u_t_i_n_g _o_n _t_h_e _N_e_t_w_o_r_k

     Routing tables are automatically built  and  maintained
by  network  nodes.   When first activated or after a system
reset, the PNC has no connections to  neighboring  stations.
Whenever  a PNC has no connections it sends a broadcast bea-
con message periodically (probably every 10  minutes)  until
  [3] Among other sources, Professor Jerome Saltzer  of
MIT  has implemented TCP/IP for the IBM PC.  His imple-
mentation is available and  can  be  reproduced  at  no
charge, although MIT retains the copyright.
  [4] This is registered with the Defense Communication
Agency's Network Information Center as  network  number
044.xxx.xxx.xxx  AMPRNET  as documented in Internet RFC
870 dated October 1983.

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it has established at least one connection to a  neighboring
PNC.  When  a  neighboring  PNC  receives  such a beacon, it
attempts to open a connection to the PNC sending the  beacon
message.  Whenever  any  node-to-node  network  activity  is
detected, routing  tables  are  updated  by  all  PNCs  that
received  the messages so that each will understand the most
recent network connectivity.  Routing  tables  may  also  be
exchanged to provide updates.

     If a PNC already in the  routing  table  has  not  been
active  for  a length of time, a message is sent to that PNC
to check that it is still active.  This is  called  _p_i_n_g_i_n_g,
and will probably be performed after 30 minutes of idle time
has elapsed.

     If an attempt to communicate  with  a  neighboring  PNC
fails  for any reason, whether during normal packet relaying
or as a result of a failed ping, that PNC  is  deleted  from
the  open  connections  list  and routing table, and will no
longer be used for packet relay by  the  PNC  detecting  the
failure.   Thus,  the  network  will  recover from and route
around any failure that does not isolate a node.   When  the
failed  PNC  recovers,  its  beacon or other activities will
alert its neighbors that it has returned to service.

     Connections between  PNCs  need  not  be  radio  links.
Modems,  hardwire lines, optical fibres, or other means will
serve as well.  In these cases, the messages sent by the PNC
over  these  links  are  identical  to those that would have
travelled over the AX.25 virtual  radio  circuit,  so  there
will be no difference in operation with these other types of


     My deepest thanks to Mike Brock WB6HHV, for his invalu-
able  suggestions  on  the design of the network, as well as
his help in preparing this document.

     My thanks also to the many people of the Vancouver Ama-
teur  Digital  Computer  Group  and of Tucson Amateur Packet
Radio Inc, and to Phil Karn KA9Q, Rod  Hart  WA3MEZ,  Harold
Price  NK6K,  and Skip Hansen WB6YMH for their contributions
and suggestions.


Beattie, J. Gordon N2DSY.  _N_e_t_w_o_r_k_i_n_g _C_o_n_s_i_d_e_r_a_t_i_o_n_s _f_o_r _t_h_e
_A_m_a_t_e_u_r _P_a_c_k_e_t _N_e_t_w_o_r_k

Borden, David W. K8MMO.  _T_h_e _E_a_s_t_n_e_t _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _C_o_n_t_r_o_l_l_e_r

Bruninga, CDR Robert E.  WB4APR.   _E_a_s_t_n_e_t:  _A_n  _E_a_s_t  _C_o_a_s_t
_P_a_c_k_e_t _R_a_d_i_o _N_e_t_w_o_r_k

                           - 7 -

Bruninga, CDR Robert E.  WB4APR.   _H_F  _P_a_c_k_e_t_s:  _M_o_d_e_m_s  _a_n_d

Fox, Terry WB4JFI.  _I_S_O _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e _M_o_d_e_l _R_e_v_i_e_w

Saltzer, Jerome A.  _P_C/_I_P _U_s_e_r_s _M_a_n_u_a_l.

Tannenbaum, Andrew. _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _N_e_t_w_o_r_k_s.

TAPR, Inc. _T_N_C _U_s_e_r_s _M_a_n_u_a_l.

DARPA Internet RFCs are available from the Defense  Communi-
cations  Agency  Network  Information Center at SRI Interna-
tional, Menlo Park, CA.  Many technical libraries also  have
copies.  Of special interest are numbers 765, 768, 791, 792,
793, 813-817, 826, and 870.