(Petri Wessman) (05/16/91)
I'm trying to make GNU Emacs (18.57) dig up the load average on SCO Unix 3.2v2.0, without much success so far. It should be possible because 'w' does it, but I haven't found the magic formula yet... anyone know what type the averages are in the kernel (double, long, ?) and how to convert them to the normal "load average" figure? Anyone done this for Emacs already? All help appreciated. __________________________________________________________________________ P e t r i W e s s m a n Helsinki University of Technology, Finland - You don't exist. Go away. - (Ralph Roberts) (05/17/91)
In article <> (Petri Wessman) writes: >I'm trying to make GNU Emacs (18.57) dig up the load average on SCO >Unix 3.2v2.0, without much success so far. It should be possible >because 'w' does it, but I haven't found the magic formula yet... >anyone know what type the averages are in the kernel (double, long, ?) >and how to convert them to the normal "load average" figure? Anyone >done this for Emacs already? All help appreciated. Why not just call the display-time function? In addition to showing the time on the mode line, it also shows the load average. Works beautifully on my SCO system. -- Ralph Roberts | The Unix Desktop Guide to Emacs Asheville, N.C. | Compute!'s Computer Viruses (704) 252-9515 | The Veteran's Guide To Benefits (704) 255-8719 (fax) | + 18 other books & 1000s of articles (Petri Wessman) (05/17/91)
On 17 May 91 00:25:35 GMT, (Ralph Roberts) said: >I'm trying to make GNU Emacs (18.57) dig up the load average on SCO >Unix 3.2v2.0, without much success so far... ... Ralph> Why not just call the display-time function? In addition to showing Ralph> the time on the mode line, it also shows the load average. Works Ralph> beautifully on my SCO system. That's just it. I'm trying to find a compilation (config.h) setup that would enable Emacs to read load averages, the setup I have so far doesn't quite hack it (job control and the pseudo-tty stuff works fine, though). You wouldn't happen to have the config.h file for your site handy, would you? Mail me a copy if you do, please. //Petri
bill@unixland.uucp (Bill Heiser) (05/18/91)
>In article <> (Petri Wessman) writes: >>I'm trying to make GNU Emacs (18.57) dig up the load average on SCO Is it possible to get the load average from ESIX 3.2? (it's not reported by 'w'). -- bill@unixland.uucp The Think_Tank BBS & Public Access Unix ...!uunet!think!unixland!bill ..!{uunet,bloom-beacon,esegue}!world!unixland!bill 508-655-3848 (2400) 508-651-8723 (9600-HST) 508-651-8733 (9600-PEP-V32)