[comp.unix.sysv386] I can not set 800*600 on Intel's SVR4 with ATI VGAWonder+

okamoto@chigaku.souka.osakafu-u.ac.jp (Kenji Okamoto) (06/11/91)


Several weeks ago, I asked how I could set my display as 800*600 on the
X Window of Intel's SVR4.   This question was solved by the suggestion of
a net user (Thanks, Jim), after that I have been enjoyed the high resolution.

However recently, I reconstructed the kernel to expand the limit of default 
file size from 2MB to 8MB.   It was done successfully.  But, it made me not to
be able to set the ATI video card to its 800*600 resolutiuon anymore.
When I set it to 800*600, the display becomes to show an unreadable, obliqued
stripes, which seems to show an asyncronized figure to me. 

I write the file of /etc/rc2.d/S97evgainit, the content of which is:
 su - root -c "/sbin/evgainit vram".
This had been working well, until I reconstructed the kernel by idbuild.

Someone on this net could have the same experience?
thanks in advance,

ken     from Japan

 Kenji Okamoto  | Dept. of Earth Science, Univ. of Osaka Prefecture
                | Mozu Umemachi 4-804, Sakai, Osaka, 591 JAPAN
     okamoto@chigaku.souka.osakafu-u.ac.jp  | FAX (0722)55-2981