[comp.unix.sysv386] Wanted: SCSI controller that works with 16 bit VGA

karln@uunet.uu.net (06/14/91)

Greetings All, 

	First, as a summary of my recent serial driver queries:

1: FAS is at ver 208pl0. It CAN be found on uunet, currently as:
~/tmp/fas208pl0.zoo. Beware the fas206 version still in the fas dir.

2: Solved my problems without _having_ to get a 16550, at least so
far. I took out the original ISC asy driver completely.

3: I got Thomas Roells X11R4 to work with a micro-soft serial mouse
and FAS 208 without any problems whatsoever. I've got a MouseSystemsMouse, 
but am not inclined to try it unless someone really wants me to.

------------------Thanks all------------------------------------

	I am hoping to bounce a sort of hardware question off
you all. I will post also to the hardware conference, but since
the solution needs to work for ISC, this conferences opions/facts
will be usefull:

	The problem is that my nice new TSeng labs / Mega SVGA card
cannot run in 16 bit mode without killing my not yet bought 
BUSTEK SCSI controller. There is a jumper on the tseng labs card
that puts it in 8 bit mode and that makes every thing work fine, 
but hey, it seems like I should be able to find a SCSI card that
will work with this tseng labs card in 16 bit mode. The people
at future domain (another SCSI controller) identified the problem
right away, saying that 16 vga cards hold the 16 bit mode line
active for too long and it messes up the BIOS on the SCSI card.

	Could anyone recomend a fast ( > 1 meg/sec transfere ) SCSI
card that has a 16 bit bios or can survive the tseng labs card.

	Thanks all for all, 

	Karl Nicholas

| Karl Nicholas             | A recent Gallop Poll showed that 1 in 6 |
| karln!karln@uunet.uu.net  | Americans have spoken to a dead person. |