terry@pride386.UUCP (Terry Lyons) (04/17/91)
Hi Unix users ...... As promised more entryees more prizes! as of 04/10/91 @ 11:00 the prizes are .......(drum roll)............. 1 font cartrige, winers choice of 25 in 1 cartrige (for HP) OR a standard cartrige for a CANON printer. < Donated by Anacom, Inc. > 4 T-SHIRTS, of the "air-brushed" variety < Donated by Dragonstar > 1 Micro-Soft C compiler (for MSDOS ) < Donated by Roger Pao > send your contest entry to; EMAIL contest@pride386.UUCP OR pride386!contest FAX (714) 739-2203 be shure to put ATTN Terry VOICE (if all else fails) 527-9078 (this is an answering machine at my HOME please don't abuse ) hopefully more to come ( ok so a CRAY is to much how about a NeXT or a SUN or an AT clone or something) B-> Terry -- ************************************************************************** * UUNET ...!uunet!pride386!terry or ...!zardoz!pride386!terry * * FAX 714 739 2203 * WANTED: 1 fire-lizard, brown preferred * **************************************************************************