[misc.forsale.computer] MC68K UN*X Computer for SALE

gdb@merch.tandy.com (David Butler) (08/28/90)


Logic Process (or Pinicle in europe) Mpulse Model 20
	Main processor board:
		16 MHz 68020 processor
		16 MHz 68881 coprocessor
		4 MB dual ported DRAM (256K chips. not SIMMS)
	Peripheral processor board:
		12 MHz 68000 supervisor processor
		12 MHz 68000 I/O processor
		2 MB dual ported DRAM (used for disk cache)
		1 720K 5 1/4" floppy drive (can read 360K MS-DOS format)
		5 slot card cage: (3 empty slots)
			2 port "centronics" parallal board
			8 port serial board (modular connectors)
		SCSI bus, with:
			Teac streaming cassette 50 MB tape drive
Operating System:
	The machine runs a port of UNIX System V.1 with:
		virtual memory implementation that uses otherwise unused
			user memory for a dynamic kernal disk cache
		full system, not just runtime (includes compiler, nroff, etc)
		Berkeley extensions (vi, termcap, etc)

	Release notes and installation manual
	Technical reference manual is included as long as you sign
		a non-disclosure agreement with LPC  (I had to and because of
		it I cannot sell you the tech manual unless you sign it too)
	FULL set of UNIX System V.1 manuals in binders

	1 parallel printer cable
	2 serial DB25 cables wired for modems
	2 serial DB25 cables wired for terminals (pins 2 and 3 swapped)
	1 Radio Shack DT-1 terminal (with green screen)
	1 2400 bps Prometheus modem
	20+ 50Mb tapes for the tape drive
		(tapes are inexpensive, about $5 apiece)

	All of the above; (NO HARD DRIVES):
		$3,995.00 (negotiable)

Hard Drives avaiable and prices (non negotiable):
(an Adaptec 4000A SCSI adapter board is used with up to two ST506 drives)
	70 MB Micropolis ST506 5.25" full height
	70 MB Micropolis ST506 5.25" full height
	44 MB Microscience ST506 5.25" full height
	80 MB Quantum QS80 SCSI 3.5" half height
	344 MB CDC Wren V SCSI 5.25" full height

I also will include an Adaptec 4070 SCSI board (allows up to two RLL drives
as SCSI drives) even though I don't have any RLL drives.

Also if you want more than the RS DT-1 terminal I also have:
	DEC VT220 terminal
	DEC VT240 monochrom graphic terminal (has TEK 4010 emulation) and the
	matching DEC graphics dot matrix printer 

The system has internal room for 2 full height drives.  Currently the
system is configured with the 80 and 344 SCSI drives in the computer case
and the two 70 MB drives and Adaptec card in an external case.
Total online storage: 564 MB!  (that is why there are 20+ 50 MB tapes!)

If you are interested in the current support information on this machine,
call Logic Process Corporation in Dallas, Texas at 214-340-5172.

You can phone me (David Butler) at 817-994-7725;
or you can email me at gdb@ninja.uucp or gdb@ninja.lonestar.org.