[misc.forsale.computer] Lab data acquisition system

eacj@theory.tn.cornell.edu (Julian Vrieslander) (11/21/90)


Our laboratory is selling an entire modular microcomputer data 
acquistion system at a very attractive price.  The system is built 
around a Hewlett-Packard 9816S (later renamed as series 200) lab 
microcomputer.  This is a 68000 based micro with IEEE-488 (HPIB)
interface, hard disk, floppy disk, color plotter, and ink jet printer.
The supplied H-P software includes a fast Basic and an extensive
statistics library.

Also supplied is a large assortment of data acquisition products from 
Coulbourn Instruments.  This includes an IEEE-488 interface, system 
power supply, 77" tall equipment rack, 5 card cages, and 48 assorted 
programmable modules for synthesis of analog and digital signals, event 
timing and counting, signal switching and processing.  The Coulbourn 
modules have facilities for both front-panel (switch & knob) control and 
automated operation under program control.  This equipment is well-
suited to many types of experiment control, process control, and data-
logging set-ups.  Similar systems are in use in a variety of biomedical 
applications such as electrophysiology, speech and hearing, animal 
learning, physical therapy, behavior therapy, and biofeedback.  The 
simplicity and flexibility of the Coulbourn modules also makes this a 
very nice system for a teaching lab.

We are selling the entire system (HP computer, peripherals, and data 
acquisition electronics) for $5000.  Original cost was over $28000, 
purchased at academic discounts.  An itemized list of the Hewlett-
Packard and Coulbourn equipment is provided below.  All equipment is 

       Coulbourn Data Acquisition Equipment:

Item                              Quantity   Price    Extension
S15-05 System power supply           1         795       795
S18-13 Dynaport IEEE-488 interface*  1        1425      1425
S11-23 IEEE-488 cable*               1         125       125
S18-08 Dynaport 8K memory expansion* 1         395       395
S22-08 Dynaport I/O buffer*         10         295      2950
S13-77 77" tall equipment rack       1         340       340
S13-02 Module frame (card cage)      5         185       925
R10-10 LED indicator                 1          60        60
R11-45 Counter (numeric LED readout) 1         350       350
S21-06 Bipolar comparator            2         215       430
S22-02 Dual switch input             1          95        95
S24-05 Voltage controlled oscillator 3         280       840
S25-12 Analog-digital converter      1         550       550
S31-12 AND gate                      3          95       285
S32-12 OR gate                       4          90       360
S34-04 4-bit decoder/memory          1         150       150
S41-12 RS/T flip-flop                2          95       190
S41-28 Presetable up/down counter    3         150       450
S43-30 Predetermining counter        1         265       265
S51-11 Precision time base           1         175       175
S52-12 Retriggerable one-shot        3         135       405
S52-30 Precision adjustable one-shot 3         220       660
S53-21 Universal timer               1         230       230
S76-01 Contour following integrator  1         185       185
S76-31 Peak detector/memory          1         210       210
S77-05 Voltage controlled amplifier  1         190       190
S77-08 Programmable amplifier &      3         295       885
       digital-analog converter
S78-03 Linear summing amplifier      3         145       435
S79-02 Adjustable gain amplifier     1         190       190
S79-07 Invert/offset amplifier       1         230       230
S81-02 Noise generator               1         230       230
S82-24 Audio mixer-amplifier         2         210       420
S84-04 Selectable envelope shaper    1         260       260
       and rise/fall gate
S85-08 Programmable attenuator       4         295      1180
S96-03 Combination switch module     1          75        75
S11-01 Programming leads          ~200                   600
S11-11 Shielded leads               10           7        70
S20-02 Single-width blank panel      2          17        34
S20-04 Double-width blank panel      3          20        60
Subtotal:                                             $17704

* Items which are no longer available from Coulbourn.

       Hewlett-Packard Laboratory Microcomputer System:

Item                                                   Price
9816S  Computer with 512k RAM, 9" monochrome monitor    4162
       Large ASCII keyboard option                       161
98256A 256k RAM card (upgrade to 768k total)             901
9133XV 14.5 Megabyte hard disk with 3.5" floppy drive   2737
7475A  6-pen color graphics plotter (w. IEEE-488 port)  1421
2225A  Inkjet graphics printer      (   "       "    )   371
45529A Shielded IEEE-488 cable (1 meter)                  61
45529B Shielded IEEE-488 cable (2 meter)                  68
       H-P Basic language system (version 5.0)           252
98820A H-P Statistics software library                   750
Subtotal:                                             $10884
Total cost (H-P plus Coulbourn equipment):            $28588

Selling price for complete system:                    $ 5000
Selling price for H-P equipment alone:                $ 3000
Selling price for Coulbourn equipment alone:          $ 3000

These prices amount to legalized robbery.  But we are not using this
stuff anymore, and our budget for new equipment is very low this year.
Reasonable offers will be considered, but we would rather not sell
individual items.
Julian Vrieslander 
Neurobiology & Behavior, W250 Mudd Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853    
INTERNET: eacj@theory.tn.cornell.edu     BITNET: eacj@crnlthry
UUCP: ..cornell!batcomputer!eacj