[comp.windows.x.announce] New Version of Wcl - Widget Creation Library

david@JPL-DEVVAX.JPL.NASA.GOV (01/06/91)

Amazing!  An actual announcement of new software!  ;^)

Widget Creation Library Release 1.05 (Patch Level 5)

A new release of the Widget Creation Library is now available.
I have sent the shar files to be posted on comp.sources.x, and
by Monday the tar file and shar files should be available on
expo.lcs.mit.edu and devvax.jpl.nasa.gov.

I can also mail the shar files to people who do not have ftp

The widget creation library (Wcl) is a thin veneer over Xrm
which allows the entire widget hierarchy, appearance, and
bindings to callbacks and actions to be specified in Xrm
resource files.  This means you may never have to write another
XtSetValues() or XtCreateWidget() again!!

The significant changes include:

o  Major re-organization of the distribution, with a total
   re-write of the Imakefiles.

o  Major re-write of some of the library source files, especially

o  Wc resources now fetched after widget is created, so resource
   values, including Wc resources, can apply to a class of widget.
   Obviously, WcClass, WcClassName, and WcConstructor resources must
   still apply to a specific instance.

o  WcPopups resource for specifying static pop-up children.

o  WcCreatePopupsCB and WcCreatePopupsACT for creating
   dynamic pop-up children.

o  Leading and trailing whitespace is now stripped from the strings
   passed to callback functions.  Embedded whitespace is not modified
   in any way.

o  All widget set specific stuff has been migrated out of the Wcl library
   and into widget set specific libraries Xp and Xmp.  

o  These two new libraries contain Athena and Motif versions of the very
   useful Table widget.  They also contain useful widget set specific

o  libXp contains the Athena version of the Table widget, AriRegisterAthena()
   which registers all Athena widgets with the Wcl, AriTextAppend() which is
   useful for appending text to Athena text widgets, and a constructor named

o  libXmp contains the Motif version of the Table widget, MriRegisterMotif()
   which registers all Motif widgets with the Wcl, the CvtStringToMenuWidget 
   converter, and a new action called MriPopupACT.  The Motif version of
   the Table widget is the latest available, and includes a bug fix which
   makes it re-size properly.

o  WcLoadResourceFileCB enhanced to remember which resource files have
   been loaded (by resource file name, not complete path name).  It now
   handles absolute pathnames starting at root or tilda, or uses the
   same search path algorithm used bu GetAppDefaults in X11R4 Xt.  
   I.e., it uses XUSERFILESEARCHPATH, the user's home directory, and 
   XAPPLRESDIR in the same way that XtR4 does when it gets user's 
   application defaults.  This code basically mimics 
   GetAppUserDefaults() in mit/lib/Xt/Initialize.c

David Smyth				david@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov
Senior Software Engineer,		seismo!cit-vax!jpl-devvax!david
X and Object Guru.			(818)393-0983
Jet Propulsion Lab, M/S 230-103, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109
--------------------------- Quote of the Day: ---------------------------
   "A Guru is not one who simply knows all the answers.  Rather, a
    Guru is like one who walks among the mountains, and by wandering
    around abit, can see the horizon through long narrow canyons."

david@JPL-DEVVAX.JPL.NASA.GOV (01/07/91)

Wcl is now available via ftp from these sites:

	expo.lcs.mit.edu:	contrib/Wcl.1.05/Wcl.1.05.tar.Z
	devvax.jpl.nasa.gov:	pub/Wcl/Wcl.1.05.tar.Z

The compressed tar file is 636389 bytes.

It is also available as 35 50k byte shar files.

A large percentage of the distribution consists of postscript documentation
and several demos.

The total disk space required on a Sun4 or Sun3 with shared libraries is
about 2.5Mb after everything is built.  The size of the libraries built by
the distribution are quite small:

-rw-rw-r--  1 david       58372 Jan  6 08:52 libWc.a
-rw-rw-r--  1 david       57344 Jan  6 08:52 libWc.so.1.05
-rw-rw-r--  1 david       34364 Jan  6 08:52 libXmp.a
-rw-rw-r--  1 david       40960 Jan  6 08:52 libXmp.so.1.05
-rw-rw-r--  1 david       21768 Jan  6 08:52 libXp.a
-rw-rw-r--  1 david       32768 Jan  6 08:52 libXp.so.1.05

And the programs are also small if you use dynamic binding:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 david       49152 Jan  6 08:52 Ari*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 david       32768 Jan  6 08:52 Mri*

David Smyth				david@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov
Senior Software Engineer,		seismo!cit-vax!jpl-devvax!david
X and Object Guru.			(818)393-0983
Jet Propulsion Lab, M/S 230-103, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109
	Why is it, that anything on this Earth we do not understand
	We are pushed down on our knees   to worship   or to damn?
		- Matt Johnson, `Mind Bomb' by The The

dlbst1@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Donald L. Bonaddio) (01/08/91)

I ftp'd the New Version of WCL. Does anyone have any suggestions
on installing it on an Apollo/HP network. We've just recently updated
to SR 10.3. It came bundled with X11. (Version ?). I need lots of help
on this, any help or direction for installation would be appreciated.
(Site specific files to edit, etc.) I would like to install this in a
temporary area to try first before it's for general use. Is this a 
problem? Please be verbose.(we've been using the Aegis OS until now, UNIX and
X are still being broken in here)


 Don Bonaddio                    donbon@unix.cis.pitt.edu
              (412)692-7179 day 
              (412)344-5321 eve.