[comp.org.eff.talk] the fox guarding the chicken coop?

portuesi@tweezers.esd.sgi.com (Michael Portuesi) (08/22/90)

Mitch Kapor left Lotus some time ago.  He is now president of ON
Technology.  He has nothing to do with Lotus' current attitudes
towards "look and feel".

\/  Michael Portuesi   Silicon Graphics, Inc.   portuesi@sgi.com

    "every now and then things become clear" -- jane siberry

lwyse@retina.bu.edu (Wyse) (08/22/90)

 >   Washington, D.C., July 10, 1990 -- Mitchell D. Kapor, founder of
 >  Lotus Development Corporation and ON Technology, today announced that
 >  he, along with colleague John Perry Barlow, has established a
 >  foundation to address social and legal issues arising from the impact
 >  on society of the increasingly pervasive use of computers as a means
 >  of communication and information distribution.

Wait a second. This all sounds well and good, but isn't Lotus corporation
the company that just one the "look and feel" lawsuit RESTRICTING others
from developing software using a defacto standard look and feel?

Kind of makes you say "Hmmmmmm"...

						- lonce

jdd@db.toronto.edu (John DiMarco) (08/23/90)

lwyse@retina.bu.edu (Wyse) writes:

> >   
> >   Washington, D.C., July 10, 1990 -- Mitchell D. Kapor, founder of
> >  Lotus Development Corporation and ON Technology, today announced that
> >  he, along with colleague John Perry Barlow, has established a
> >  foundation to address social and legal issues arising from the impact
> >  on society of the increasingly pervasive use of computers as a means
> >  of communication and information distribution.

>Wait a second. This all sounds well and good, but isn't Lotus corporation
>the company that just one the "look and feel" lawsuit RESTRICTING others
>from developing software using a defacto standard look and feel?

>Kind of makes you say "Hmmmmmm"...

>						- lonce

Mitch Kapor is no longer with Lotus, and has not been for some time. He
is not associated in any way with their current "look and feel" suit.

John DiMarco                   jdd@db.toronto.edu or jdd@db.utoronto.ca
University of Toronto, CSRI    BITNET: jdd%db.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net
(416) 978-8609                 UUCP: uunet!utai!db!jdd

mnemonic@walt.cc.utexas.edu (Mike Godwin) (08/23/90)

In article <LWYSE.90Aug22122657@retina.bu.edu> lwyse@retina.bu.edu (Wyse) writes:
>Wait a second. This all sounds well and good, but isn't Lotus corporation
>the company that just one the "look and feel" lawsuit RESTRICTING others
>from developing software using a defacto standard look and feel?
>Kind of makes you say "Hmmmmmm"...

And if Apple wins a controversial lawsuit this year will you criticize
Steve Jobs?

Although the founder of Lotus Development, Kapor left the management
of that company some years ago. He has since founded On Technology.
Kapor has publicly criticized Lotus for its decisions to sue
Paperback Software and Borland.

It helps, when one makes accusations, to be at least moderately up
to date on the subject matter of the accusation.


Mike Godwin, UT Law School  |    --S is for 'Save me!'
No longer a bar-exam nerd   |    --T is for 'Take it slow!'
mnemonic@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu |    --O is for 'Oh, no!'
(512) 346-4190              |    --P is for 'Please, please don't go!'

petrilli@walt.cc.utexas.edu (Chris Petrilli) (08/23/90)

In article <LWYSE.90Aug22122657@retina.bu.edu> lwyse@retina.bu.edu (Wyse) writes:
>Wait a second. This all sounds well and good, but isn't Lotus corporation
>the company that just one the "look and feel" lawsuit RESTRICTING others
>from developing software using a defacto standard look and feel?
>Kind of makes you say "Hmmmmmm"...

Obviously you were unaware of the fact that Mitch left Lotus a while
back to form his own company, for many the same reasons, Steve levt


+ Chris Petrilli                                    "Opinons represented here
| University of Texas at Austin                      do not necessarily
| INTERNET: petrilli@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu              represent those of a sane
| SNAILMAIL: 429 Brady Lane, Austin, Texas, 78746    person.  Take them as
+ PHONE:     +1 512 327 0986                         simply that."

cos@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu (Ofer Inbar) (08/23/90)

In article <LWYSE.90Aug22122657@retina.bu.edu> lwyse@retina.bu.edu (Wyse) writes:
> >   
> >   Washington, D.C., July 10, 1990 -- Mitchell D. Kapor, founder of
> >  Lotus Development Corporation and ON Technology, today announced that
> >  he, along with colleague John Perry Barlow, has established a
> >  foundation to address social and legal issues arising from the impact
> >  on society of the increasingly pervasive use of computers as a means
> >  of communication and information distribution.
>Wait a second. This all sounds well and good, but isn't Lotus corporation
>the company that just one the "look and feel" lawsuit RESTRICTING others
>from developing software using a defacto standard look and feel?
>Kind of makes you say "Hmmmmmm"...

Kind of makes me say, "Hmmmmmm ... lots of people move to snap
judgements without checking the facts..."  Mitch Kapor may have
founded Lotus, but he is no longer it's CEO - he left to start a new
company (ON Technology, it's mentioned in the press release above).
And he has publically stated that Lotus' 'look and feel' lawsuits were
bad for the industry.

>						- lonce

  --  Cos (Ofer Inbar)  --  cos@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu
  --  WBRS (BRiS)  --  WBRS@binah.cc.brandeis.edu  WBRS@brandeis.bitnet
  "Good literature is about Love and War."
  "Junk Fiction is about Sex and Violence."

scott@kong.gatech.edu (Scott Coulter) (08/24/90)

In article <LWYSE.90Aug22122657@retina.bu.edu> lwyse@retina.bu.edu (Wyse) writes:
> >   Washington, D.C., July 10, 1990 -- Mitchell D. Kapor, founder of
> >  Lotus Development Corporation and ON Technology, today announced that
>Wait a second. This all sounds well and good, but isn't Lotus corporation
>the company that just one the "look and feel" lawsuit RESTRICTING others
>from developing software using a defacto standard look and feel?
>Kind of makes you say "Hmmmmmm"...
>						- lonce

We went over this one at great length just recently in another group
(one of the gnu groups, I think).  Just so it doesn't occupy this group for
the next 2 weeks, I'll say it clearly and quickly:



Scott D. Coulter				uucp: ...!gatech!ics!scott
Software Engineering Research Center		InterNet: scott@ics.gatech.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology 
"Everybody's talking to computers, they're all dancing to a drum machine..."

karish@mindcrf.UUCP (Chuck Karish) (08/28/90)

>Mitch Kapor left Lotus some time ago.  He is now president of ON
>Technology.  He has nothing to do with Lotus' current attitudes
>towards "look and feel".

This newsgroup desperately needs a regular `frequently-answered
questions' posting.  A large proportion of the new subscribers will
point out the same apparent contradiction, which I've already seen
asked and answered many times in each of several other groups.

In this case, the answers are more a problem than the questions,
because so many people know and care about what's going on.

	Chuck Karish		karish@mindcraft.com
	Mindcraft, Inc.		(415) 323-9000		

jef@well.sf.ca.us (Jef Poskanzer) (08/28/90)

In the referenced message, karish@mindcrf.UUCP (Chuck Karish) wrote:
}This newsgroup desperately needs a regular `frequently-answered
}questions' posting.

Yes, we will have one by the time the groups have been around for a month.
Basically the "about the EFF" posting, plus "Mitch Kapor isn't involved
with Lotus anymore", plus whatever else comes up.

  Jef Poskanzer  jef@well.sf.ca.us  {ucbvax, apple, hplabs}!well!jef
                       "Hell-bent for leather!"

mkapor@well.sf.ca.us (Mitchell Kapor) (08/31/90)

There will be a frequently asked questions item posted here regularly.
We are still getting our act together, so please be patient.