[net.ham-radio] arrl bulletin nr 97

rjr@mgweed.UUCP (Bob Roehrig) (10/31/84)

qst de k9eui
hr arrl bulletin nr 97 from arrl headquarters
newington ct  october 27, 1984
to all radio amateurs  bt

the arrl board of directors met in hartford, ct on  october  25
and 26.  highlights of the actions taken follow.

there were several actions taken pertaining  to  packet  radio,
among  them the approval of the ax.25 amateur packet radio link
layer protocol.

the contest  advisory  committee  was  directed  to  study  the
feasibility  of  a more neutral geographical scoring system for
at least one of the arrl sponsored uhf vhf contests.

the general manager was directed to develop a program  designed
to  increase  the  number  of  u.s.  amateur radio licensees by
50,000 per year for the next  five  years,  and  a  program  to
increase  arrl  membership  by 25,000 by the end of 1985 and by
approximately 20 per cent each year thereafter.

it was unanimously voted that the general  manager  devise  and
implement  procedures  to  permit  walk in examinations at arrl
(garble) volunteer examiner exam sessions, as and to the extent
that the particular ve team deems appropriate.

future vhf uhf repeater directories published by the arrl  will
include   within  the  directory  a  designation  to  show  the
difference between a repeater that has been coordinated and one
that has not.

it was unanimously voted that the  technical  excellence  award
for  1983 be presented to william sabin, w0iyh, for his article
in july 1983 qst.

it was unanimously voted that counsel file a request for  a  45
day extension of time in which to file comments in prb 1, arrls
request for issuance of declaratory ruling to establish limited
federal preemption over amateur antennas and supports.

the 23 cm band plan submitted to the board by the vuac and vrac
at  this  meeting  is  to  be  returned to those committees for
further study.

the  management  and  finance  committee  is   to   study   the
desirability  and  feasibility  of relocating headquarters from
newington, ct to an alternate site, such study to consider  all
aspects,  including  the  need and desirability of such a move,
the costs, the impact  on  league  staff,  and  the  degree  of
increased effectiveness to be gained.

," band plan as proposed the 33 cm band plan as proposed by  by
the  vuac  was  approved  as  the interim plan, and the vuac is
directed to continue  its  study  of  the  same  involving  all
identifiable potential users interests.

the board directed that the  fm/rpt  column  in  qst  be  on  a
monthly basis.

the general manager was  instructed  to  petition  the  federal
communications  commission  to permit f2 emission on ten meters
for identifying amateur radio repeaters.

the arrl will file with the fcc a petition  for  rulemaking  to
permit an applicant who has failed an amateur radio examination
test element to retake that test element 27 days thereafter.

the general manager was instructed to prepare a  paper  on  the
status  of the vienna international center, and the dx advisory
committee is to reconsider the 4u1vic question  no  later  than
january 20, 1985.

the arrl will request  that  the  fcc  issue  a  public  notice
advising  manufacturers  of their obligations with regard to rf
shielding and filtering.

a draft petition to permit automatic control of amateur digital
communications above 30 was approved in substance.

the vrac was requested to study the band plan for  420  to  450
mhz  with the intent of recommending a standard for repeater in
out frequency relationships.

there is to be a study to determine what existing  and  or  new
dxcc awards if any should apply to the 24 mhz band.

the general manager was directed to determine  means  by  which
the  advanced  class  license holder could have a more involved
role in the volunteer examiner program.  the board  unanimously
voted to honor mr. e. merle glunt, w3okn, for his contributions
to the successful outcome  at  the  1979  world  administrative
radio conference for the amateur radio service.

there is to be a survey of u.s.  arrl  members  concerning  the
feeling about ssb mode operation in the 40 meter band below 7.1

the board unanimously resolved to extend special recognition to
wa2nnt, wa6qqq, wa6qzy, wa6mrz, kn6h, w6pgm, k6lea, wa6nrb, and
n6iiu, for  their  outstanding  service  to  amateur  radio  in
support of the games of the xiii olympiad, los angeles, 1984.

there is to be a study of the feasibility of arrl offering  its
assistance  to fcc in the area of maintaining amateur licensing
records in general but  especially  in  the  administration  of
special call sign requests of clubs and individuals.

the league is to file a petition requesting that the fcc  amend
the  rules  governing  the amateur satellite service to add the
new frequency allocations granted at warc 79.

the board also voted to recognize the district of columbia as a
separate  multiplier  from  that of maryland for annual arrl dx
contests and the annual arrl ten meter contest.

the full minutes will appear in qst  ar