[comp.org.eff.talk] A couple of things.

m.tiernan@pro-angmar.UUCP (Michael Tiernan) (02/12/91)

Two things right off the top.  I'll apologize for the digression that the
GEnie messages brought, if people want information on it, contact me via
E-mail and I'll answer any questions you want, I don't think that this is the
best place for that discussion.

Second, the use of the SSN for identification is really starting to bother me.
 I've gotten to removing my SSN from things that have it.  This year, my
licence will not be my SSn, in Mass, they simply use it as your licence
number, my school used it for the student ID#, and my Holiday Inn Priority
Club (freqent visitor club) used it too.

What are some other people's ideas about this?  Anyone else have a problem
with the flagrent use of this number by everyone?  Isn't there a federal
mandate that states that you are not to use the SSN as an ID number but it
provides no penalties for the misuse of it?  I've shopped at a local lumber
yard where they want your SSN written on any checks you use or they won't
accept it.  They also ask for birthdate to help identify the maker but that i
don't flinch at, that's logical.

Anyone else?

<< MCT >>

GEnie       : M.Tiernan
AppleLinkPE : M Tiernan or BCS Mike
Internet    : pro-angmar!m.tiernan@alfalfa.com
UUCP        : ...!uunet!alfalfa!pro-angmar!m.tiernan

"God isn't dead, he's only missing in action."
                                             - Phil Ochs

zane@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Sameer Parekh) (02/16/91)

	It is illegal for a government agency (other than the Social
Security or IRS) to REQUIRE the SSN for business to be transacted.

	Private companies I THINK are allowed to do this, but if you
are paying by MC/Visa, and they ask for your SSN, you can refuse because
MC/Visa says that you don't have to give your SSN, and if the merchant
requires it then MC/Visa will bitch at them.


m.tiernan@pro-angmar.UUCP (Michael Tiernan) (02/18/91)

In-Reply-To: message from zane@ddsw1.MCS.COM

Ok, where does one get the info on what MC/Visa say about this?  (So far, I
havn't been asked when using one of those).  The killer to me was that my SSN
was used for ID on a check in a private company.

I've still got a bank account that someone opened without my permission using
a different name and my SSN on it.  Damn IRS is still charging me for owning
this account.  They don't seem to care (what a surprise!).

<< MCT >>

GEnie       : M.Tiernan
AppleLinkPE : M Tiernan or BCS Mike
Internet    : pro-angmar!m.tiernan@alfalfa.com
UUCP        : ...!uunet!alfalfa!pro-angmar!m.tiernan

"God isn't dead, he's only missing in action."
                                             - Phil Ochs