[net.ham-radio] UoSAT Bulletin 100

karn@mouton.UUCP (11/10/84)

**** UoSAT  Bulletin-100 (Edited) 8th November 1984 ****

UoSAT Spacecraft Control Centre,   University of Surrey


** 100th UoSAT Bulletin **

It seems a long time ago now that we generated and  loaded  the
first UoSAT  Bulletin back in October 1981 and, since then, the
Bulletin has settled down to a regular format after a number of
modifications suggested by the 'readers'.  The technical  feats
in loading  the  Bulletin  on a regular basis in the early days
have long since been stream-lined - but the editorial effort is
still demanding!  Material for the  Bulletin  is  gleaned  from
many sources  -  Telemail,  ASR,  various  space  news sources,
G3YJO's thoughts and, of course, the many  letters  we  receive
daily   from  UoSAT  experimenters.   The  response   to    the
Questionnaire transmitted  during  the  summer  of   1984   was
excellent and  provided  the  UoSAT Team with valuable feedback
concerning the  most  popular  and   useful   experiments   and
schedules as well as Bulletin content & format suggestions.

The Bulletin was compiled by G3YJO for the first 9 months, then
by G8NEF for the following year, before reverting to  G3YJO  in
August 1984 as G8NEF took up full-time teaching commitments.

You may have wondered (or probably not!)  how the  Bulletin  is
compiled &  loaded.   Work commences in earnest early on Friday
morning scanning the various news sources  and  compiling  them
into the  Bulletin  file  on  the UoS Prime mainframe computer.
The operations of  UO-9  and  UO-11  are  summarised  from  the
Command Operator's  Log  and  the  schedule for the coming week
agreed.  A list  of  correspondents/reports  for  the  week  is
compiled.  The  Keplerian  Elelments  are  copied automatically
from a Telemail file generated by  KA9Q  in  the  USA  and  the
'old-fashioned' EQX's generated automatically by an program and
inserted into  the  Bulletin  file.   The  raw text is then run
through a text processor to format it  into  the  64  character
lines compatible with most displays.  The processed Bulletin is
then run  through  an  1802  Assembler  written  by G8NEF which
produces a OBC compatible file (with error checking) ready  for
transmission   to  the  spacecraft,  which  is  executed  using
bi-directional packet communications with the UO-9 OBC.

The loading of the Bulletin obviously  takes  longer  than  the
time taken  for  you  to  receive  it - exactly how much longer
depends on the UoS-to-UO-9 link quality - but a few  iterations
between the  OBC  on  UO-9  and the UoS groundstation Prime are
usaully sufficient.  Then it is all yours for the weekend!


The second printing of these QSL cards was  rejected  too,  but
relacements are  promised  for  next  week!   Patience  will be

** UoSAT-Oscar-9 Schedule **

This weeks schedule will be modified as G3YJO & G8NOB  will  be
attending the AMSAT AGM in the USA:
    Thursday 8th    -  load Bulletin
    Friday 9th      -  Bulletin/DIGITALKER/1200 bps telemetry
    Tuesday 20th
    Then back to normal!

The 21 MHz Beacon will be in use this week.

** UoSAT-Oscar-11 Operations **

 A daily account of UO-11 operations follows:

  ***       *****     ********       **********

Friday      3588      Telemetry

Saturday    3609      1,2,3,52      19:28:10
                      145 MHz returned to Telemetry

Sunday      3624      ODATA dump
(OBC told to change d/link from ODATA to TLM after 7.5hrs)

Monday      3632      2,3            09:50:15
                      435 MHz DCE 1200 bps afsk test
            3633      ODATA dump
            3634      435 MHz DCE 1200 bps AFSK Tlm tests
           3638       ODATA dump
(OBC told to change d/link from ODATA to TLM after 8.5hrs)

Tuesday     3646      Reset Watch-Dog & 145 Tlm speed test
            3647      435 MHz DSR 9600 bps psk tests
            3648      same
            3649      ODATA dump
(OBC told to change d/link from ODATA to TLM after 8.5hrs)

Wednesday   3661      P-Wave survey reset at 09:29:20
                      435 MHz DSR 9600 bps psk tests
            3662      435 MHz DSR 9600 bps psk tests
            3663      435 MHz 9600 bps psk DSR data dump

Thursday    3676      Despin from 3m30s to 23m10s!
                      1,2,3,52       10:11:49

** Thanks for Reports & Questionnaire Returns **


This week:  H.Meerza, JA2WO,