[comp.org.eff.talk] 4th CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.admin.policy

brendan@cs.widener.edu (Widener SysAdmin) (05/03/91)

 This is post is a mass-acknowledgement of the votes received so far
related to the comp.admin.policy newsgroup. It covers only those votes
received since the last mass acknowledgement.

 The charter of the group follows:

 This is a formal Call for Votes for the creation of the unmoderated
group comp.admin.policy. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the
discussion of site administration policy, including but not limited

	- email privacy (the administration and implementation of it)
	- account contracts .. what should be in them?
	- acceptable use policy for networks, schools, companies, etc
	- what constitutes abuse of a user's account
	- policy on breakins, attempted breakins, etc
	- the ethics and issues involved in the restriction/freedom
	  of accounts
	- the chain of command..who does what at your site?

 It is intended to centralize the scattered conversations concerning
these topics that appear in many other groups, to hopefully create a
base of knowledge on site administration policy.

 To register your vote, do the following:

	- if you're in favor of creating the group, write to
		policy-yes@cs.widener.edu		(on the Internet)
		{backbone}!widener!policy-yes		(for UUCP)

	- if you're against creating the group, write to
		policy-no@cs.widener.edu		(on the Internet)
		{backbone}!widener!policy-no		(for UUCP)

 The subject and body of the message don't matter.
 The voting period will be open from Thursday, April 11, until
Wednesday, May 8. 

 The following people can consider their votes received and tallied since
the last mass vote acknowledgement.

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"Jean Y. Edgar (CADIG  STAFF) " <jye@usna.navy.mil>
"Jeffrey J. Carpenter" <jjc+@cis.pitt.edu>
"Sam Gassel" <samg@midway.uchicago.edu>
Bengt Larsson <bengtl@maths.lth.se>
Blayne Puklich <puklich@plains.NoDak.edu>
Bud Hovell @ Mtek <bbh@mtek.mtek.com>
Christian Kaiser <cmk@chi.sub.org>
James Davenport <jhd@maths.bath.ac.uk>
Jamie Mason <jmason@utcs.utoronto.ca>
Kean Stump <kean@talon.UCS.ORST.EDU>
Norman Yarvin <yarvin-norman@CS.YALE.EDU>
Paivi Helena Hyvarinen <paivi@vipunen.hut.fi>
Pasi \'PJo\' Jokela <v37229k@saha.hut.fi>
Paul Frank Covello <pfc@chinet.chi.il.us>
Pauli R{m| <ramo@vipunen.hut.fi>
Peter Barnes <pdb@cs.uq.oz.au>
Peter Graham <psgraham@elbereth.rutgers.edu>
Phil Smyth <smith@pyrite.SOM.CWRU.Edu>
Reza Hussein <RHussein@UH.EDU>
Samu Karanko <f39423v@taltta.hut.fi>
Steven Noyd Jones <noyd@cac.washington.edu>
Vanya Cooper <VCOOPER@PimaCC.Pima.edu>
asb@wren.cs.rmit.OZ.AU (Anthony Scott Botham)
bjorn@sysadmin.com (Bjorn Satdeva)
castrov!wuth@ajfcal.cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Brett Wuth)
chap@art-sy.detroit.mi.us (j chapman flack)
chip@pender.ee.upenn.edu (Charles H. Buchholtz)
consp04@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Dan Boyd)
cs012148@cs.brown.edu (Rodrigo Vanegas)
danno@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Danno McKinnon)
david@elroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (David Robinson)
david@gorm.ruc.dk (David Stodolsky)
dbt@adm.csc.ncsu.edu (David B. Teague)
dgillen@digi.lonestar.org (Dave Gillen)
eric@aretha.jax.org (Eric A. Johnson)
ericb@mango.atherton.com (Eric Black)
esf00@uts.amdahl.com (Elliott S Frank)
exuksm@exurchn1.ericsson.se (Karl Morgan)
exurln@exurchn1.ericsson.se (Bob Netherton)
grs@cinoss1.att.com (Gregg Siegfried)
jack@devnull.mpd.tandem.com (Jack Bell)
jeg@ced.berkeley.edu (James Ganong)
john@mlb.semi.harris.com (John M. Blasik)
kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
ksavige@epas.utoronto.ca (K. Savige)
marcelo%deadzone@Princeton.EDU (Marcelo Gallardo)
mcr@sandelman.ocunix.on.ca (Michael Richardson)
mstgil@sol.acs.unt.edu (Marc Ph. A. J. St.-Gil)
nyama!jad@epas.utoronto.ca (Jose A. Dias)
peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu (Leonard Peirce)
phantom@eng.umd.edu (Scott S. Perry)
potisfun!root@uunet.UU.NET (Charlton Kerr)
pro-angmar!pryder@alfalfa.com (Mark Dulcey)
rcsmith@anagld.analytics.com (Ray Smith)
reynolds@fsg.com (Brian Reynolds)
rjc@oghma.ocunix.on.ca (Robert J Carter)
robohack!woods@mcnc.org (Greg A. Woods)
sbrack@isis.cs.du.edu (Steven S. Brack)
schaller@hsi86.hsi.com (Dave V. Schaller)
tom@pckiller.radig.de (Thomas Brox)
trm@ampex.com (Tim Mitchell)
uhura1!bryan@uunet.UU.NET (Bryan Curnutt)
uhura1!dan@uunet.UU.NET (Dan Schmitt)
wcs@erebus.att.com (William Clare Stewart)
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     Brendan Kehoe - Widener Sun Network Manager - brendan@cs.widener.edu
  Widener University in Chester, PA                A Bloody Sun-Dec War Zone
      "Does this person look relaxed to you?  Well, it's actually an
              experiment of Contour's new 565-E chair!"