[comp.org.eff.talk] Encryption back-doors

lucrezi@univaq.sublink.org (Gino Lucrezi) (05/30/91)

I think that a *really* good argument you can show to Sen. Biden and other
backers of tha bill is concerned with american trade intrests all around the
At present, there are still next-to-none laws concerning information exchange
across national boundaries, but when some will come, a key provision will be
reciprocity - if your law doesn't give the same protection as ours, then *no*
information can be passed from here to there. Just imagine how happy multi-
national corporations would be, with their data flow stopped...
In fact, the EC is contemplating such clauses in future recommendations to
member states. So, networks *intrinsically insecure by law* may mean that some
kind of info couldn't be exported to the US!

Not to mention the added convenience for anyone spying on american trade
secrets transferred on what should have been a secure network, but can't
be so by law!
Gino Lucrezi @ Universita` "V. Rivera" - L'Aquila - Italy
SUBLINK:  lucrezi@ingeaq.sublink.org
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