[alt.graphics] Wanted: PostScript -> Fax/tiff Converter

snoopy@ixos.de (11/15/90)

Dear Net,

we are looking for a (UNIX) utility that will convert a picture from
PostScript to either

a) Fax coding OR
b) TIFF Format.

Is there anything about that is free or cheap ?

Please let me know. If there is enough interest I will summarise.
Please mail me directly, as I do not always manage to read these groups.

Thanks in advance,

metz@iam.unibe.ch (Igor Metz) (11/16/90)

Go and get GhostScript (from prep.ai.mit.edu). GhostScript can produce
ppm files
(pixmaps) from your ps code, and these ppm files can be converted to tiff
using Jef Poskanzer's PBMPLUS package (from expo.lcs.mit.edu in contrib/)

Igor Metz
Institut fuer Informatik und angew. Mathematik, Universitaet Bern, Switzerland.
domainNet: metz@iam.unibe.ch               Phone: (0041) 31 65 49 90
ARPA:      metz%iam.unibe.ch@relay.cs.net  Fax:   (0041) 31 65 39 65

pn88384@tut.fi (Pet ) (11/16/90)

In article <1990Nov16.073052.14573@chx400.switch.ch> metz@iam.unibe.ch (Igor Metz) writes:

> Go and get GhostScript (from prep.ai.mit.edu). GhostScript can produce
> ppm files

Where there?
     Petri Nurminen        I   It's hard to teach new tricks I
     pn88384@tut.fi        I   to a dead dog.                I
     pet@modeemi.tut.fi    -----------------------------------