[alt.graphics] Converting Sun Raster to Paintjet

ckirsch@lowrider.eng.clemson.edu (Chuck Kirschman) (01/11/91)

I need to convert some sun rasterfiles to be printed on a HP Paintjet
(Hooked to a PC now, but I can move it...).  I'd like to do this with
one translater if possible.  Does anybody already do this??  Is there
any PD stuff available, or comercial packages??


Chuck Kirschman                     Internet:  ckirsch@eng.clemson.edu
Mechanical Engineering Dept.                   ckirsch@clust1.clemson.edu
Clemson University                  Bitnet:    ckirsch@clemson.clemson.edu

panisset@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (Jean-Francois Panisset ) (01/11/91)

In article <12563@hubcap.clemson.edu> ckirsch@lowrider.eng.clemson.edu (Chuck Kirschman) writes:
>I need to convert some sun rasterfiles to be printed on a HP Paintjet
>(Hooked to a PC now, but I can move it...).  I'd like to do this with
>one translater if possible.  Does anybody already do this??  Is there
>any PD stuff available, or comercial packages??
>Chuck Kirschman                     Internet:  ckirsch@eng.clemson.edu
>Mechanical Engineering Dept.                   ckirsch@clust1.clemson.edu
>Clemson University                  Bitnet:    ckirsch@clemson.clemson.edu

I picked up such a program off munnari.oz.au ( The file is
called ras2hppj.tar.Z and lives in pub/graphics. Please not that I have
NOT tried this program: all I know is that it claims to be able to
convert Sun rasterfiles to something that the PaintJet will accept.
Actually, I would really like to know if it works, as I do not
currently have access to a PaintJet...

Jean-Francois Panisset                    
INET: panisset@mcrcim.mcgill.ca            
UUCP: ...!mcgill-vision!panisset