[alt.graphics] Autodesk 3D Studio animations available ????

leo@zelator.uucp (Stefan Hartmann) (03/06/91)

Hi ,
does anybody know, if there are already any Autodesk 3D Studio Animations
available at any Host to download via anonymous FTP ???
I was at the COMP 91, a computer graphics show recently hold in east Berlin,
Germany and Autodesk showed Incredible great demos from their new 3 D Studio!
But they had no time to copy me some of their great new animation !
Does anybody already work with this package ?
Does it already support TSENG ET 4000 boards with 800x600x256 resolution and
double buffering ?
Are there some Autodesk guys out there in "netland" that might answer my 
questions ?
BTW, at CAMP91 they showed an animation with Autodesk animator which had about
1100 pics and was running for about 45 seconds directly from harddisk !
It was called Champions.fli ! It was gorgious !!!
Hope to get some answers, -Stefan Hartmann.

*  EMAIL: leo@zelator.uucp     Stefan Hartmann                                *
*  COMPUSERVE: 72017,3216      GEnie: S.HARTMANN                              *
*  Phone : ++ 49 30 344 23 66      FAX : ++ 49 30 344 92 79                   *