[alt.graphics] Sun rasterfile to CGM

gerry@seq1.keele.ac.uk (G.D.Pratt) (03/13/91)

Does anyone know:

 - how to turn a color Sun Rasterfile to a Computer Graphics Metafile?
 - how to convert any format supported by PBMPLUS to a CGM file?
 - what the CGM spec for raster data is so a rast2cgm could be writen

The reason for this is so that Sun Rasterfiles can be printed on
a device we have here, a Calcomp Colorview Thermal Wax printer, which 
is supported from CGM.

many thanks
gerry pratt  --  workstation support  --  university of keele
email:  gerry@seq1.keele.ac.uk   *   tel:  0782 621111 x 3290
"these opinions are mine, mine, mine....ALL MINE I TELL YOU!"