[alt.graphics] Looking for TEK 4100/4200 graphics examples

rustyh@wam.umd.edu (Michael Katzmann) (04/15/91)

I am looking for some example sequences for graphics on a 4107 (or 4200)
series tektronix terminal. I am not looking for the old 4014 type line
drawing stuff. What I am after are examples of the grphics using the
building of "segments" within the terminal and their manipulation.

Examples of JoyDisk use would also be instructive.
I dont have much doco on this terminal, unfortunatly and I feel I could
get alot more out of it than just the 4014 graphics.


Michael Katzmann  (VK2BEA/G4NYV/NV3Z)   Please email to this address |
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