[alt.graphics] NEED SOME INFO......

gates@cscsparc.larc.nasa.gov (Ray Gates) (05/02/91)

I need to collect some information about various things....so here goes.......

1. if anybody out there is working with CGI (computer generated imagery) systems, I would appreciate it if you could briefly outline what type of equipment you are using and the
application area that you are involved in.....( pretty general, heh???)

2. Does anybody out there take 2D images (a la satellite data) and map into 3D geometry...and then overlay the original image onto the 3D representation............
  I am really ignorant about available software and/or techniques....(so bear with me...)

3. One of the guys who came to pick my brain on these subjects (needless to say, he went
    away empty-handed!!!)....indirectly referred to something called "shade to shape"
     algorithms......does anybody out there have a reference to this flavor of algorithm
     ( I did do some looking.....computer vision, right????)

Any and all answers would be greatly appreciated.........Thanks in advance......
				       |        Ray Gates 
	"Mama, mama, many worlds       |	CSC/NASA-Langley
	 have come since I first       |	gates@cscsun1.larc.nasa.gov
               left home."	       |              (
				       |        Phone:  804.865.1725
DISCLAIMER: The comments/opinions contained within are my own and do not
            necessarily represent the opinions of my employer(s).

jym@sgi.com (ESD Product Marketing) (05/02/91)

In article <1991May2.114126.9514@news.larc.nasa.gov> gates@cscsparc.larc.nasa.gov (Ray Gates) writes:
>2. Does anybody out there take 2D images (a la satellite data) and map into 3D geometry...and then overlay the original image onto the 3D representation............

I would like to be copied on answers to this question, if anyone does answer'

jim t (jym@esd.sgi.com)

Linton.Miller@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Linton Miller) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May2.114126.9514@news.larc.nasa.gov>,
gates@cscsparc.larc.nasa.gov (Ray Gates) writes:

|> 3. One of the guys who came to pick my brain on these subjects
|> (needless to say, he went
|>     away empty-handed!!!)....indirectly referred to something called
|> "shade to shape"
|>      algorithms......does anybody out there have a reference to this
|> flavor of algorithm
|>      ( I did do some looking.....computer vision, right????)

I'd also like to see any answers to this.


Linton Miller 		lmiller@comp.vuw.ac.nz
Department of Computer Science
Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand