[alt.graphics] WANTED: GIF of Beaker from the Muppets

simona@panix.uucp (Simona Nass) (05/08/91)

Please help! I am desperately looking for a GIF graphics file of Beaker
from the Muppets I saw some time ago. I managed to delete it because I
am a novice and a fool (I admit) and and forgot for that split-second
that unix is CaSe-SeNsItIvE!

Anyway, if some kind person will please e-mail it to me or upload it again,
I will be very grateful.
( rutgers!cmcl2!panix!simona,  uunet!jyacc!david, simona@panix.uucp )

shark@cs.uq.oz.au (Greg Norman) (05/09/91)

If someone finds one of GONZO could they send it to me please.

					thanks in advance

| Computer Science Department,        | shark@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au       |
| University of Queensland, Australia.| "BACK OFF MAN ! I'm a scientist !"|

jk87377@cc.tut.fi (Juhana Kouhia) (05/09/91)

In article <1991May8.030056.2668@panix.uucp> simona@panix.uucp (Simona
Nass) writes:
>Please help! I am desperately looking for a GIF graphics file of Beaker
>from the Muppets I saw some time ago. I managed to delete it because I
>am a novice and a fool (I admit)

Agree!  :-)  :-)
Comp.graphics and probably alt.graphics too are meant for computer
graphics science. Not for requesting funny pictures.

For example, comp.music isn't for discussing about Jarre, Vangelis,
etc. --- The same policy should work with the comp.graphics.

Ah, I can see that you have not read this group [comp.graphics] before
posting to here. You can read from News.announce.newusers (have you
read that group yet?) that usually people will read a news group a
while to see what is discussed about before they post.
I guess, you just choosed a couple names from your .newsrc -- wrong
way lady.

Well, hopefully I do not sound too harsh, but I'm now hoping that
readers of the other groups (than comp.graphics) will notice what for
comp.graphics is. We have had some discussions about the level of the
articles in comp.graphics news group and I can feel that some people
may agree with me.

Juhana Kouhia