[alt.graphics] SVGA 640x480 FLI-files for hardisk-player available ???

leo@zelator.uucp (Stefan Hartmann) (06/04/91)


I just have downloaded the new SVGA- 256 colors FLI-player from TRILOBYTE from
CompuServe(GO autodesk) and am wondering where I can get some *.FLI-files for
this "superb" harddisk-animation player !
Man, is this program fast ! And only 4 KBytes in length !
I tried it with a normal *.FLI-animation from the Autodesk-Animator package
and it was played in the upper left border of a 640 x 480 screen directly from
my hardisk.
I only know, that the only program in this moment is the Autodesk 3D-Studio
which produces SVGA-FLIs. But there is a FLILIB also on CompuServe which tells
how to program and generate FLI-files. It comes from Mr. Jim Kent who is the
author of Autod. Animator.
But I haven't cheched it out yet, cause it are many doc files!
If You know where there might be some anonymous ftp sites to download some
SVGA-demos(FLIs), please mail me the adress.
Any advice is welcome. Many thanks.
-Stefan Hartmann.

*  EMAIL: leo@zelator.uucp     Stefan Hartmann                                *
*  COMPUSERVE: 72017,3216      GEnie: S.HARTMANN                              *
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