[rec.org.sca] Flux

leburg@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Brian Pierson) (08/07/90)

In article <35319@ut-emx.UUCP> jerry@walt.cc.utexas.edu (Jerry Porter) writes:

>Hm... It took a long time to learn how to weld in a forge.  I first tried
>borax from the grocery store, but I couldn't get it to work.  I bought
>some weld/brazing flux and eventually got it to work.  The flux looked just
>like the borax I bought, so I think its pretty much the same stuff.


	The flux was probably the same except the Grocery kind has more 
impurities in it.(like soap,more water...) It will work but try drying it 
in a can next to the forge. It won't bubble as much when applied. Also don't 
be afraid to use alot of flux. When you pound the pieces together, it will 
squeeze out. Welding is also very dependent on heat so strike while the iron 
is hot.8^) love that phrase.

Brian Pierson   pierson@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu