[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] Advice sought for building a HD for ST

johns@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (Conan the Barbarian) (08/24/90)

	Looks like it's time for me to get a hard drive.  I've heard about
people who have built their own, and I could use some advice.

	I'm looking for a combination of removeable and normal internal
drive.  A fast access time is nice, but not the most important thing.  I'd
like to be able to hook up a laser printer as well.  Ideally there would
be room in the case to put a floppy 3.5 inch drive.
	What combination of host adapter+software, controller, mechanism,
and power supply would be optimal for this kind of hard drive setup?
	Another question: anyone heard of the MASTER 3S external floppy
drive distributed by Konyo international?  

	Thanks for any advice.  If anyone wants a summary of info I get
I'll be happy to forward what I learn.

John Schmitt