[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] Uniterm V2.0e bug when printing ???

mreiss@ncrcam.Cambridge.NCR.COM (mreiss) (10/12/90)

I think I have found a bug in Uniterm (not real sure).  I have my atari
connected through an async network to several computers.  Most of them
run Unix.

The printer port on my atari is connected to an HP LaserJet through
several layers of Centronics switches.

On the Unix computers I have a shell program that allows me to print files
to the HP printer.  This involves making use of the "send to printer" VT100
function (Thanks Simon).  The shell program sends "ESC [5i\c" to the atari.
This gets interpreted as "send what follows to the printer port, but first 
send a newline".  It then sends the file followed by "ESC [4i\c".  This is
suppose to be interpreted as "Now send everything to the screen including
this newline".

The problem is that my command line prompt is "mike > ".  What shows up
on the screen is "ike > " and it is underlined.  It is curious that the
sequence "ESC [4m" is used to put the vt100 into underline mode.  Have
I found a bug, or am I missing something?  Simon, can you hear me?

I'll probably come up with a workaround until I find what I am doing wrong.
Please don't send any workarounds, but if you have the answer to how to
fix the problem, I would be happy to hear it.


Michael A. Reiss				|
						|	mike
USENET = Mike.Reiss@Cambridge.NCR.COM		|