[net.followup] NET.CRUSADES

iasia (01/15/83)

WARNING--- this article contains flamable materials, heresy, sarcasm 
and worst of all misspellings bad grammar and poor sentence structure.

Yes you too can fight in the net.crusades. Sign up now and avoid the rush.
Heres your chance to ridicule people for their beliefs or lack thereof.
CHOOSE SIDES NOW. The camps are as follows:

1). Exterminate the ATHEISTS: everyones know that there commies and besides
	they question our beliefs just by existing. "YOUR either with
	us or against us!"

2). Exterminate the religious zealots: They oversimplify things and don't know
	anything that isn't in the book. i.e. "God said it, I believe it and
	that's it".

3). Who cares: Its a lot of fuss over something that cannot be proven or
	disproven. You can't make a person believe with Bible quotes and
	no amount of scientific data will make a person quit believing.
	Religious beliefs are a very personal thing. You shouldn't pick on
	people for what they believe about god(s) or lack thereof. Life style
	is another matter though. We should pick on people who are intolerant
	and try to for things down other peoples throats.

Hurry up and choose sides before you have time to think. The battle will be
held in net.flame. HURRY, Flame now, think later.

B.E.Taylor *disciple of THE NORSE GOD OF SENSELESS TORTURE and rabble rouser*

No, we are not going to delete iasia. SO THERE!