[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] RS232 file transfer between PC and ST using RTS/CTS

gary@brb.isnet.inmos.co.uk (11/21/90)

I am attempting to connect my PC clone upto my Atari ST using RS232. I want
the link to run at 9600 baud and use hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS etc).
Note: I do not want to use XON/XOFF.

I am led to believe that there may have been/still are bugs in TOS
which prevent hardware handshaking from working correctly. Note: I have
November '85 UK ROMS (TOS 0.98?).

I have been using a RS232 LED breakout box to try to figure out why the
PC cannot send (copy fred.dat COM1:) data at this rate to the Atari (running 
a comms package) without dropping data (when the screen scrolls - suprise,
suprise). If I connect CTS and DSR (on the PC side) to RTS (on the ST side),
nothing gets copied across, as the ST sets RTS to -12V, and the PC will
only send when the DSR and CTS are at +12V (wouldn't you know it!!).
However if I connect DSR and CTS directly to +12V, then do the copy, the
ST's RTS pin goes immediately to +12V, then after a short delay (until the
receive buffer fills up?) starts "rattling" (trying to stop the sender
sending?). This almost seems correct - it is difficult to tell.

Question is: is there a known patch. I am sure other netters must have cracked
this problem before. I have traced the RS232 machine code using MONST2
and a copy of the ROM disassembly in Atari Internals as a reference (he says
donning a flame retardent outfit :-) and it seems that there is no way to
patch in new RS232 routines, short of a patch to the TRAP#13 handler. 

Intriguingly Atari Internals shows a table of vectors for Bconin (etc) around
address $512, but I think this is for a slighly later version ROM than my


Gary Morton   Inmos Ltd, Aztec West, Bristol | EMail(UK) 
----------| +44 454 616616 X523 |------------| gary@brb.isnet.inmos.co.uk
The opinions above are my personal views     | EMail(ROW)
and may not reflect Inmos policy.            | gary@brb.isnet.inmos.com