(James Parker) (01/08/91)
I have just started to get an error when starting up certain programs, specifically the Prospero Fortran workbech and associated says Error P at FACCC2 when I click on the program icon (from Neodesk or not). The executable is on my hard drive but I get the same error when I try to run from floppy , only the error address is changed to F9FC04. My question is where is this address??? Is this a RAM error??? And if so, why do all my other programs work (Uniterm, Tempus...). Or is the address in the ROM?? I don't know where they are mapped. If it is in the ROMS, could it be do to changing over to TOS1.4?? I don't remember if I have tried this since I did the change. Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions? thanx, james