[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] Resource Construction Kit for Prospero C

boyd@mailer.cc.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) (01/25/91)

Is there a Resource Construction utility that can be used with Prospero C?
I believe there is one included with MWC, but I do not know if it will 
work with Prospero C?  Anyone have both of them?  Is there a separate one 
that will produce C code?

             Mickey R. Boyd          |  "God is a comedian playing to an 
          FSU Computer Science       |      audience too afraid to laugh."
        Technical Support Group      |
      email:  boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu  |                  - Voltaire 

sstreep@next.com (Sam Streeper) (01/25/91)

In article <1991Jan24.225451.29146@mailer.cc.fsu.edu> boyd@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) writes:
>Is there a Resource Construction utility that can be used with Prospero C?
>I believe there is one included with MWC, but I do not know if it will 
>work with Prospero C?  Anyone have both of them?  Is there a separate one 
>that will produce C code?

Hi Mickey,
	Prospero sells a Resource Construction program in their Toolkit,
which also includes an assembler.  Actually, the RCP is just
K-resource, which is quite good and you could get from either prospero
or Kuma.

Any RCP will work.  Someone posted one here which is quite good (since
the author included virtually all my suggestions 8^))  Sorry, I forgot
the name of both the author and the program 8^( but you should be able
to find it.  It doesn't have the image editing ability, but otherwise
should be able to do everything you need.  It's also the best resource
editor to use if you want to compile your resource into your program.
(which people in Europe probably hate, but its the best way to go
in desk accessories.)


ps my last mail to you bounced...  I probably didn't use the address
in your sig.