[net.ham-radio] Current Novice test information needed

jhb@zeus.UUCP (John H. Burgess) (01/23/85)

I will soon be called upon to give the tests for a Novice license.  A long time
ago, a novice test question bank came across the net, but some of them were
outdated, and I no longer have it.  If somebody has a set of current questions
(with the ratios of numbers of questions from each section), or some sample
Novice tests, I would appreciate getting a copy.

Also, what are the specific requirements for the code test:  Is it up to the
examiner's discretion?  Is it a sample QSO with multiple-choice questions?  Is
it 5 minutes of code, of which 1 minute of perfect copy is required?  What
numbers/punctuation is required?

As you see, I am in need of whatever current information is available.

			Thanks (in advance, of course),

				John Burgess, N7DCQ

ptb@Mitre-Bedford (01/25/85)

I suggest that you get in touch with the ARRL VEC Office,

 - same address as in QST - 

They certainly have all the information that you would need in that
regard.  Also, the current ARRL "Tune in the World with Amateur Radio"
has the up-to-date question bank for the novices - or is it the
License Manual, but definitely one of the two.

Hope this helps,

Peter Baldwin, WA1SNH