[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] dying? 1040ST

wchow@world.std.com (wing p chow) (02/02/91)

this sounds like the right place to ask this...

after acquiring a syquest drive i started moving my ST around
generally rearranging stuff to accomodate the new drive.

i tried using icd's ratehd and idcheck to check out the sysquest
and that seems to lock up the syquest.  after rebooting several times 
i could no longer autoboot from my seagate scsi=0, but i could still
boot from the floppy.  running icdboot from a floppy now
again locks up the syquest (amber/orange led on).  so i reboot
and retry several times.  now i can't even boot up on either
floppy or hard drive most of the time.

symptoms: when i do get the screen i get halfway thru the auto folder
and then get 2/4 bombs,  sometimes i turn on the ST and only the powr
light comes on but everything else stays silent (floppy,monitor)

can someone nudge me towards the possible solutions to this?

oh yes, i have a datafree memory board that brings me up to 4 megs
and yes everything was working fine till the latest attempt at
rearrangement of my ST setup.
