[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] PC Ditto II booting from Hard Disk

bcc@Eyring.COM (Brian Cooper) (02/14/91)

Many thanks to those who responded to my questions about booting PC Ditto II from my hard
disk.  Some suggested that I needed to use the AHDFIX utility to properly use the Atari
hard disk drive.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on point of view) I am using
a Syquest drive with an ICD controller, and the PCD documentation indicates AHDFIX is
only needed with the Atari controller.  (I tried it anyway, it didn't work.)  Someone
indicated I only needed to use the utility PCDFIX, but before I could run that one down
I found that:

1.  I have to use MS-DOS 3.3.  I had been trying 3.1 and the two looked at the disk in
different ways.
2.  The driver from pc ditto must be installed in config.sys.
3.  The disk must have been formatted by MS-DOS with the format C:/S command.

With this done, everything seems to work.  One minor bug remains; I cannot format partition
D:, the format utility objects strenuously.  I don't remember about D, but if I try to
access some partitions, I get garbage in the files.  C works fine, but J and so forth
don't co-exist well between MS-DOS and TOS.  Some final questions:

Has anyone had success sharing all partitions in common between MS-DOS and GEM?
What is PCDFIX, where is it, and what does it do?
Is there any way to have PCDII allow type-ahead at the keyboard?  Anything I type when it
  is not waiting for input seems to get lost.
The serial port doesn't seem reliable.  I tried running Kermit and have heard others
  complain about procomm, etc. not working.  Is this a limitation?
Curiosity prompts me to ask, are the other emulators (Supercharger, ATSPEED, and the other
  one from Michtron (sorry, forgot!)) better in the points I mentioned?
Thanks to one and all!  Brian Cooper
