[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] Problem Monitor SM 124

smisra@eos.ncsu.edu (SAURABH MISRA) (02/28/91)

I had recently posted a message about a problem
with a SM124 that kept blowing the fuses.
I got different opinions, but pretty obviously
they all pointed to the power supply

Some said it was one of the diodes on the vertical board
Question:  What does the vertical board look like?  and aprox
where is its location inside the case

Some said it was was a blown rectifier...either a diode or a 
big capacitor open...
Question:  Where are these parts located?

Also does anyone know of a supplier for parts for the SM124
It was manufactured by Goldstar in June 1985.  As you can already
tell, I am trying to save on repair costs on a 6 year old monitor.

Thanks again,