[net.followup] Ichthus

pds (01/17/83)

     The meaning of the (transliterated) Christian acronym ICHTHUS (fish)
is "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior."

Greek word			     transliterated	English word
----- ----			     --------------	------- ----

Iota-Eta-Sigma-Omicron-Upsilon-Sigma	Iesous		Jesus
Chi-Rho-Iota-Sigma-Tau-Omicron-Sigma	Christos	Christ
Theta-Epsilon-Omicron-Upsilon (possessive) or
Theta-Epsilon-Omicron-Sigma 		Theou, Theos	God's, God
Upsilon-Iota-Omicron-Sigma		Huios		Son
Sigma-Omega-Tau-Eta-Rho			Soter		Savior


Iota-Chi-Theta-Upsilon-Sigma		Ichthus		Fish

     The sign of the fish often was used on the door post to semi-secretly
indicate the place of an early Christian meeting; the symbol is appropriate
considering the fishers-of-men motif in new testament scripture.

                                  Dave Stotts
                                  uucp:  ...decvax!duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!pds
                                  CSnet: pds@uvacs
                                  Arpa:  pds.uvacs@udel-relay