[net.ham-radio] TSARC Repeater Coordination Suspension

karn@petrus.UUCP (02/03/85)

The following message relayed via HamNet:

 #: 26740      Sub-topic 4 - TRN & Freq Coord.
    01-Feb-85  20:25:54
Fm: NORM W2JUP 74055,140
   At 12:01 AM this morning, February 1st, TSARC (Tri-State Amateur
Repeater Council) temporarily suspended their repeater frequency
coordinating activities for the next nine months....
   At an emergency meeting called by TSARC president Steve
Mendlesohn, WA2DHF, TSARC executive board directors heard excerpts
from the contents of a new FCC NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)
that hits the streets and becomes effective today.
   The FCC's NPRM addresses the subject of repeater frequency
coordination, and calls for comments and opinions on proposed
rulemaking that seeks to create a volunteer national "umbrella-type"
coordination agency, similar to the NARTB, NABR, and other
industry-based organizations of class.  The "umbrella" agency would
assist the activities of regional coordination councils on a
nationwide basis, and hold a national database of all amateur
repeaters.  The same agency would establish and publish rules of
procedures and technical standards for the coordination of new
amateur repeaters.
   As part of the NPRM, the FCC's Enforcement Bureau requested a
nation-wide nine-month suspension of repeater coordination, as a
measure needed to gain the time required for gathering comment,
acquiring an updated and validated national repeater coordination
database, and setting up the mechanisms for accomplishing the tasks.
   In addition to the establishment of a national coordination
scheme, the NPRM would change the wording of the Commission's Rules
in Part 97.85(h) to codify and assign responsibility for the
solution of repeater interference problems.
   What this means in plain English:  no new repeaters will be
coordinated in the 25 CMSAs (Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical
Areas) for at least nine months.  The local frequency coordination
councils will have to suspend coordinations pending the new

Robert Shnidman (VLD/VMB) <robert@Brl-Vld.ARPA> (02/05/85)

Be careful!! If repeater coordintation is suspended, then 220 and maybe
even parts of other bands could become sitting ducks for attacks by
other requesters for spectrum. I suggest that at least some "unofficial
coordination" continue to show continued growth of amateur use of our

ptb@Mitre-Bedford (02/05/85)

I am also concerned about just holding off on ANY new repeaters for 9
whole months, in light of the recent attacks on 220 mhz by the land
mobile industry and others.

I guess one question is, Are the repeater coordinators formally
handling this band as well as 2 meters?

In the long run (if 220 lasts that long), though, I think the national
level planning will help us out by taking measures to prevent the
repeater interference problems on a more global basis that the
regional councils have been able to do.

Even if this will suspend NEW 220 mhz repeaters for now, we can take
more positive measures than sitting here and complaining.  How about
USING WHAT WE HAVE OUT THERE NOW?  How about putting more packet
repeaters out there, since they do not need to be formally
coordinated?  How about going out and getting a 220 rig, or using the
ones we have and getting active on this band?

The premise in the band takeover plans is that they are not getting
used.  Lets get out there and prove them wrong!

					Peter Baldwin, WA1SNH