(PRISM Interactive Products) (03/25/91)
I have an SH204 20Meg hard drive which is extremely noisy. Since I use my ST mostly for music/MIDI related stuff it is that much more annoying. I have recently started turning the drive off when I'm in the middle of something which I know has no drive accesses. Occasionally I have goofed and forgot to turn the drive on, but I just get an alert box which says the drive isn't responding. I just turn the drive on and let it spin up then click on the retry box. My question is: Is this bad practice? I don't think anything has been harmed yet, and since I don't use any cacheing program I don't see the possibility for problems. I have checked the integrity of the disk with various PD programs similar to UNIX's fsck and everything seems fine. So what do you ST tech experts think? Alternatively, any ideas for getting rid of the noise short of replacing the drive mechanism (which is a Tandon). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks - Bob Dyas PRISM Interactive Products (Bjoern Kriews) (03/28/91)
From article <>, by (PRISM Interactive Products): > > I have an SH204 20Meg hard drive which is extremely noisy. > [Question about turning drive on and off while in use] 1.) It could happen that the drive needs a reset from the ST and is also blocking the disk drive, so it may be the case that you aren't able to save your work. (Perhaps this is a problem with really old SH 204 Host Adaptors, [Claus Brod ????]) 2.) You shouldn't do that to your drive mechanism. 3.) Remove the metal-network covering the fan. You should also buy voltage regulators (my english is catastrophal) type 7808 or 7809 and loop them into the fan supply. These chips lower the 12V power to 8/9 volts. Be sure that the drive doesn't get too hot and that the fan always starts when you turn the drive on. If you have further questions drop me a pmail but please keep short, INCOMING mail must be paid to the .de backbone. Greetings, Bjoern * * (Bjoern Kriews, Stormsweg 6, D-2000 Hamburg 76) *