[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] MiNT library patchlevel 8

7103_2622@uwovax.uwo.ca (Eric Smith) (04/02/91)

Patchlevel 8 of the MiNT library is now available for anonymous FTP
from atari.archive. The files:
mntlib8.zoo  -- library source code
mntinc8.zoo  -- include files; you'll need these!
mntolb8.zoo  -- compiled .olb library binaries
may be found in the "mint" directory.

Some fairly serious bugs (spawnve() was putting the wrong value in for
argv[0], and crt0.s was using an incorrect test for whether a program
was launched as a .ACC or .PRG) were fixed, so you probably should get
this if you use the gcc and MiNT. (Even if you don't use MiNT, you can
still use the libraries to compile TOS programs that will work nicely for
MiNT users).
Eric R. Smith                     email:
Dept. of Mathematics            eric.smith@uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario   7103_2622@uwovax.bitnet