[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] HELP NEEDED: Memory Upgrades for ST

defrain@ei.ecn.purdue.edu (05/28/91)

Does anyone know the procedure for a piggy-back upgrade of a 512K
520 ST to have 1MB? I cannot see from the schematic how to properely
connect the addressing to the 256K DRAMs. Do other ICs need to be added?

If someone has experience here and/or knows the fine detail of the procedure
could you send a brief description of the various connections and necessary

the balance of future computing history weighs heavy in your hands,


Paul D. DeFrain                  : "Physical concepts are free creations of  :
Purdue University,               :  the human mind, and are not, however it  :
Dept. of Electrical Engineering  :  may seem, uniquely determined by the ex- :
defrain@ecn.purdue.edu           :  ternal world."  ---  A. Einstien         :
(317)49-43556 (am), 497-9903     : ......................................... :

ele9110@cdc835.cdc.polimi.it (Oluzzi Massimo) (05/31/91)

defrain@ei.ecn.purdue.edu writes:

>Does anyone know the procedure for a piggy-back upgrade of a 512K
>520 ST to have 1MB? I cannot see from the schematic how to properely
>connect the addressing to the 256K DRAMs. Do other ICs need to be added?

>If someone has experience here and/or knows the fine detail of the procedure
>could you send a brief description of the various connections and necessary

There is a file, named "1megupgr.arc", which contains the infos requested.
I found it on sol.cs.ruu.nl (, directory /ATARI-ST/doc .
Be kind to this ftp site, as they ask at connection time.


					Massimo Oluzzi