[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] HD problem of a different color

oddjob@oz.plymouth.edu (Andrew C. Stoffel) (06/05/91)

It's a long story so I won't get into it.... BUT my old Supra HD has
become a ROD (Read-Only-Device). I'm getting a new harddrive from Toad
Computers (Should be in the mail....) to replace it.

Waht I would like to do is connect the old HD to the new HD so I can
copy the 25+megs from the old HD to the new HD. 
Q: Is it possible to connect two hard drives formatted by completely
   different drivers when using one driver ?? 
 i.e...... my old HD is formatted with Supra software & uses a
 Supra driver. My new drive will use a different driver (???). Can I
 connect the Supra drive to the Toad drive using the Toad HD driver
 and still access the files on it ? I do have floppy copies of MOST of
 the files (I ran out of floppies backing up my Minix partitions....
 but got everything else)
The point is --> I don't really want to restore my files from floppy
when i have a HD that can be read from.....

 {-email answers might be best.....-}

|"The Snark WAS a Boojum, you see!"|Good   : acs@unhd.unh.edu       |
|"Reality !?! Isn't that something |Better : ANDYS@psc.plymouth.edu |
|    you sprinkle on ice ??"       |Best   : oddjob@oz.plymouth.edu |