[comp.sys.atari.st.tech] Can I get ML on the ST?

d90-ngp@sm.luth.se (Niklas Grip) (06/10/91)

Does Meta Language (ML) exist on the ST.
If it does, where can I get it?

|                      |                                    |                 |
| Niklas Grip          | University of Luleaa               | Some day I will |
| Vallstensgatan 7     | Internet: d90-ngp@sm.luth.se       | make some nice  |
| 951 59 Luleaa        | Bitnet  : d90-ngp%sm.luth.se@sekth | logo and remove |
| SWEDEN               |====================================| this damn text! |
| Phone: 0920-26228 (international: +46 920 26228)          |                 |