[mail.framers] FrameMaker 2.1

framers-request (09/17/90)

Is there anyone who would like to comment on FrameMaker 2.1 
for the Mac?  I'm particularly interested in its technical 
writing capabilities and hardware requirements, but any 
comments would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Tom Scavo  <scavo@cs.uoregon.edu>

framers-request (10/16/90)

In article <DIETER.90Oct15114527@prosun.first> dieter@prosun.first (Dieter Esswein) writes:

| Sorry, if this has been posted before.
| When placing an anchored frame on top of a text rectangle
| several rows of pixels are lost in the next line of text.
| Any bug fixes known?
| Thanks.

Line Spacing setting:		Has this effect:

Default Font Size		Line spacing does not change. The
				frame may obscure text on other lines.

Largest Font Size		Line spacing increases, if necessary,
				to accommodate the frame.

Largest Ascender		Line spacing increases, if necessary,
				to accommodate the frame.

There is an index entry for this under "line spacing, effect of
anchored frame on".

Basically, this means that you have set your line spacing to use the
default font size without adjustment. To me, this makes for the best
looking documents, but it does have the above problem. I'm not sure
why it does not happen to me, but it may be because I use a fair
amount of inter-line spacing:

Above:   6.0 pt
Below:   4.0 pt
Leading: 2.0 pt

Kim Letkeman	kim@software.mitel.com

framers-request (10/16/90)

In article <KIM.90Oct16112405@kim.Software.Mitel.com> kim@Software.Mitel.com (Kim Letkeman) writes:
| Basically, this means that you have set your line spacing to use the
| default font size without adjustment. To me, this makes for the best
| looking documents, but it does have the above problem. I'm not sure
| why it does not happen to me, but it may be because I use a fair
| amount of inter-line spacing:
| Above:   6.0 pt
| Below:   4.0 pt
| Leading: 2.0 pt

Oops ... above and below are inter-paragraph spacing. Leading is
inter-line spacing (leading plus one of those options I showed in my
last posting.)

I think the trick is to ensure that you start a new paragraph after an
anchored frame. And then use a decent amount of inter-paragraph
spacing (which makes the document easier to read anyway.)

Kim Letkeman	kim@software.mitel.com

framers-request (10/19/90)

In article <DRAHNIER.90Oct18105339@prosun.first.gmd.de> drahnier@gmdtub (Reinhard Rasche) writes:

| Of course, starting with a new paragraph after an anchored frame would
| avoid the problem. But it doesn't solve it. And easily would screw up
| your document layout with the next modification.

I always anchor my frames to a line, so I didn't clue in on the fact
that you can't simply add a paragraph after a frame.

| Just, if you want to reproduce the phenomenon: Here's the necessary
| information: 
| 	- 2-column document
| 	- paragraph format: 
| 		default font: AvantGarde 10pt regular book regular
| 		space above: 0pt, below 0pt, leading 2pt
| 		line spacing: Default (or whatever you want)
| 	- problem:	
| 		paragraph continuing from botton of left column
| 		on top of right column right after the anchored frame
| 		(placed on top of right column) 

Yes, I was able to get FrameMaker to put the characters right under
the frame with no leading. It looks bad if you use a border or fill.
Since the manual says that Frame will adjust this if you tell it to
space with leading + largest font size, that's what you would normally
do. But I tried that, and Frame didn't change anything.

| My first explanation was that FM simply forgets to add the line-spacing
| information when there is no line above in the same column. 

That's what it looks like. Another thing I always do is create a frame
with no border and no fill. I then create a rectangle inside with the
border, leaving some space around it. I have always done this without
any particular reason, but it sounds like a work-around you might try.

Kim Letkeman	kim@software.mitel.com

framers-request (10/19/90)

In article <DRAHNIER.90Oct18105339@prosun.first.gmd.de> drahnier@gmdtub (Reinhard Rasche) writes:
>Just, if you want to reproduce the phenomenon: Here's the necessary
>	- 2-column document
>	- paragraph format: 
>		default font: AvantGarde 10pt regular book regular
>		space above: 0pt, below 0pt, leading 2pt
>		line spacing: Default (or whatever you want)
>	- problem:	
>		paragraph continuing from botton of left column
>		on top of right column right after the anchored frame
>		(placed on top of right column) 
>My first explanation was that FM simply forgets to add the line-spacing
>information when there is no line above in the same column. 

It is true that Frame does not apply the "Space Above" value to the first
paragraph in a text column, and it is true that Frame does not put
any "leading" above the top line in a column. However it is not the case
that the "Line Spacing" setting is ignored.

I set up what you described as best I could.  You did not describe
the anchored frame, but the only set-up that could be a problem is
"Anchoring Position: At Insertion Point" with a baseline offset that
is zero or positive.  I used a one-inch-square frame with a baseline
offset of zero.  I added text until the line with the frame popped to
the top of the 2nd column, and indeed the anchored frame overlapped
the top of the text column.  Most of the frame was outside the column.

Then I changed Line Spacing for that paragraph from "Default Font Size"
to "Largest Ascender."  And instantly, the line moved down so that
the top of the frame was exactly colinear with the top of the column.
So the Line Spacing choice definitely makes a difference at top of column.

I have had problems with Frame when I applied a visible border to a
text column.  That is, select the text column as an object and with the
Tools palette, assign a Pen value other than "None."  Depending on the
line thickness you use, the border will merge with the top edge of the
capitals in the top line.  Here again, choosing Line Spacing of Largest
Ascender makes a difference that can clearly be seen at 400% zoom,
although it does not cure the problem when the border is thicker than
one point.  In my opinion Frame should draw the border of a text column
completely outside the text area; however that does not sound like the
basis of your complaint.