[comp.lang.idl-pvwave] Driver for Imaging Technology frame grabber

rivers@bnlls1.nsls.bnl.gov (Mark Rivers) (03/01/91)

I have written a PV-WAVE and IDL device driver for the FG-100-Q frame
grabber from Imaging Technology.

The FG-100-Q is a board which plugs into the Q-bus on a MicroVAX or
VAXStation computer. The driver allows all of the PV-WAVE and IDL
graphics and imaging routines to function on the frame grabber
display. The driver implements a restricted form of windowing which
takes advantage of the hardware pan, scroll zoom capabilities of the
ITI hardware. The driver supports device specific capabilities, such
as image acquisition and overlay planes.

This driver could be used as a starting point for users who would like
to write a driver for another model of frame grabber. It should be
particularly easy to port to other Imaging Technology boards, such as
those for the Sun, since it uses Imaging Technology's ITEX library for
low-level I/O.

The name of the device is ITI. The driver is selected with the command


All of the the standard PV-WAVE graphics and imaging routines work
with this  driver. Because of the limitations of the hardware, the
only windowing routines which do anything are WSET and WSHOW. The
other windowing routines (WINDOW, WDELETE, WMENU) do nothing. 

PV-WAVE implements device specific commands via keywords to the DEVICE 

The ITI driver supports the following keywords:
  GRAB, SNAP     ; For image acquisition
  INITIALIZE     ; Initialize the hardware
  PAN, SCROLL, ZOOM ; Hardware pan, scroll, zoom
  OUTPUT_BANK    ; To select an output lookup table bank
  PMASK, VMASK   ; Set the protection masks for the bit planes  
  MAGNIFICATION  ; Set the default window sizes and number of windows

Anyone who would like to get a copy of the source code and
documentation for this driver can send me e-mail at the address below.

Mark Rivers                              (516) 282-7708 or 5626
Building 815                             rivers@bnlx26.nsls.bnl.gov (Internet) 
Brookhaven National Laboratory           rivers@bnl (Bitnet)                   
Upton, NY 11973                          BNLX26::RIVERS  (Physnet)