[comp.lang.idl-pvwave] PLOT_TO - problem

tmca@emx.utexas.edu (The Anarch) (04/14/91)

Oooh, look, a real post (just to prove that I really do read this newgroup).

I have a question -

  We run IDL under VMS 5.3 using graphon VT2** terminals. The problem
is to generate a file from an IDL plot such that the plot can be displayed
from DCL simply by TYPEing it. Nominally, the following code segment should
achieve this:

	IDL> get_lun,lun
	IDL> openw,lun,'plot.dat'
	IDL> x = indgen(100)
	IDL> plot,x
	IDL> close,lun
	IDL> free_lun,lun
	IDL> plot_to,0

  It doesn't.

  Two files result. The file PLOT.DAT can be TYPEd and will display some of
the plot, but garbages partway through. The other file FORXXX.DAT (where
XXX == %val(lun)) appears to be empty.

  Any ideas?

  (another alternative might be a postscript viewer for VMS workstations,
does anyone know of such an animal).

	See, look, there really is real traffic in this newgroup.