[comp.protocols.time.ntp] xntpd for Sun OS 4.1

dez@druco.ATT.COM (MoonD) (10/31/90)

I got xntp source from louie.udel.edu.
I had it running on Suns ranging from Sun 3/60s
to Sun 4/380s with SUN OS 4.0.x.

Recently, these Suns were upgraded from SUN OS 4.0.x
to SUN OS 4.1.

When I recompiled the xntpd source, xntpd no longer
works.  It dies after few seconds(apparently when it 
receives a sigalrm.)

Does anyone run xntpd on SUN OS 4.1?
I would appreciate your help.


Jim.Thompson@Central.Sun.COM (Jim Thompson) (11/02/90)

We do, all over the inside of Sun Microsystems.
(Yes folks, the rumor is true, we are...)

We haven't, however tried it on a 3/60 running 4.1.

(We do have it running on several other Sun3s, and
many many Sun4s.)


JDB@ECLA.PSU.EDU ("John D. Balogh, PSU OTC, 814.863.1252") (11/02/90)

We run XNTPD here on a Sun 4/260 with OS 4.1 ... no problems.
Just do another "make" after making sure that the .conf file is in the right 
place. Not a single hitch.

John Balogh (JDB@ECL.PSU.EDU)
Penn State, Office of Telecommunications