Folks, Two new files pub/ntp/msf.txt and pub/ntp/dcf77.txt now appear in the archives. The first, provided by Philip Gladstone, reveals details of Rugby Radio MSF timecode format, while the second, provided by Peter Lamb, reveals details of Mainflingen Radio DCF77 timecode format. It would be nice to have similar documemts fpr WWV/H/B, GOES, GPS, LORAN-C and alleged Japanese GMS for record. Volunteers? From my 1990 edition of WRTH I discover Allouis Radio (France Inter) wobbles a timecode, encoding unknown. I have heard this monster (162 kHz, 2000 kw (!)) on this side of the Atlantic on occasion. Can somebody provide info? When appropriate, I promise to summarize and post for (?) general interest. Dave