[comp.protocols.time.ntp] ntp server setup

dave@MMC.COM (David A. Rageth) (05/09/91)


I cannot seem to get an ntp server to sync up (even after a half of a day).
If you were to set up two servers (no external clock source) that could
service as stratum 2 or stratum 3 servers and there will be two of these
servers, what type of configuration file (ntp.conf) would be needed to
have these servers sync up with a couple of ntp servers off of the internet.

All I need is a sample configuration.

 x           David Rageth               x
  x   email : dave@mmc.com               x
   x   voice : (303)977-4584              x
    x   USMail: Martin Marietta            x
     x           P.O. Box 179 m/s 9570      x
      x           Denver, Colorado           x
       x                            80201     x