[comp.protocols.time.ntp] "illegal type combination"

mosemann@sardion.unl.edu (Russell Mosemann) (05/17/91)

   Compiling xntp on a VAX 5810 works just fine until it gets to xntpd.
Then it tells me:

cd xntpd ; make  xntpd
cc -O -DCONFIG_FILE=\"/usr/local/etc/ntp.conf\"  -I../include -c ntp_config.c
ccom: Error: ../include/ntp.h, line 13: illegal type combination
      typedef signed char s_char;
*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1


   Has anyone seen this before?  I checked out <sys/types.h> and it
already defines s_chr.  Could that be a problem?  Advice and suggestions
welcome.  Thanks.
Russell Mosemann - Network Analyst       Internet:   mosemann@unl.edu
Computing Resource Center (29 WSEC)      Bitnet:    mosemann@unlvax1
University of Nebraska - Lincoln         Voice:    (402) 472-5930
Lincoln, NE  68588-3127                  Fax:     (402) 472-5280

mosemann@sardion.unl.edu (Russell Mosemann) (05/17/91)

In <1991May16.202532.14761@unlinfo.unl.edu> mosemann@sardion.unl.edu (Russell Mosemann) writes:

>   Compiling xntp on a VAX 5810 works just fine until it gets to xntpd.
>Then it tells me:


   I forgot to mention that I get the same results no matter if I choose
signed or no signed char.
Russell Mosemann - Network Analyst       Internet:   mosemann@unl.edu
Computing Resource Center (29 WSEC)      Bitnet:    mosemann@unlvax1
University of Nebraska - Lincoln         Voice:    (402) 472-5930
Lincoln, NE  68588-3127                  Fax:     (402) 472-5280

iglesias@draco.acs.uci.edu (Mike Iglesias) (05/17/91)

In article <1991May16.202532.14761@unlinfo.unl.edu> mosemann@unl.edu writes:
>   Compiling xntp on a VAX 5810 works just fine until it gets to xntpd.
>Then it tells me:
>cd xntpd ; make  xntpd
>cc -O -DCONFIG_FILE=\"/usr/local/etc/ntp.conf\"  -I../include -c ntp_config.c
>ccom: Error: ../include/ntp.h, line 13: illegal type combination
>      typedef signed char s_char;
>      --------------------------^
>*** Error code 1
>*** Error code 1
>   Has anyone seen this before?  I checked out <sys/types.h> and it
>already defines s_chr.  Could that be a problem?  Advice and suggestions
>welcome.  Thanks.

Yes, it's because <sys/types.h> defines it.  I changed ntp.h like this
to make it compile on Ultrix RISC v4.1:

*** ntp.h.orig	Thu Oct 26 14:17:36 1989
--- ntp.h	Thu May 16 15:59:08 1991
*** 7,17 ****
--- 7,19 ----
   * use it.  On machines where signed char doesn't work, char had better
   * be signed.
+ #if !defined(ultrix)
  #if defined(NO_SIGNED_CHAR_DECL)
  typedef char s_char;
  typedef signed char s_char;
+ #endif /* ultrix and mips */
   * NTP protocol parameters.  See section 3.2.6 of the specification.

Mike Iglesias
University of California, Irvine
Internet:    iglesias@draco.acs.uci.edu
BITNET:      iglesias@uci
uucp:        ...!ucbvax!ucivax!iglesias