(Derick Linegar) (05/31/91)
Anyone know of xntp being ported to the Apollo SR10.3 and the IBM RS 6000? I'd like to hear where I can obtain the animal, if so. E-mail and I'll summarize if enough interest is shown... -derick- -- #include <disclaimer.h> Derick Linegar, Internet Systems 4P27, Bell-Northern Research Internet: P.O. Box 3511 Station C UUCP: Discontinued, due to lack of credit. Ottawa ONT. K1Y 4H7
sommerfeld@APOLLO.COM (Bill Sommerfeld) (05/31/91)
Date: Thursday, May 30, 1991 1:15:38 pm (EDT) From:!utgpu!cunews!bnrgate!bwdls61!bwdls49! (Derick Linegar) Organization: Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada Anyone know of xntp being ported to the Apollo SR10.3 ? I posted some patches to the net a while back which work for stratum-2 and higher. I think somebody has them archived where they're available for anonymous FTP (some place at umich, I think). I don't recall the details -- check with comp.sys.apollo . There are a couple of problems with using SIGIO on tty devices on Domain/OS, so I wound up changing the daemon to not use SIGIO at all. I'm running it here as a stratum 1 talking to a PSTI radio clock (behind HP's security firewall), and it seems to keep reasonable but not exceptionally good time. I could make these patches available if you're interested in using an apollo as a reference clock. - Bill